Mar 30, 2009 21:13
You know I really want to write a short story for this or maybe a review but I'm not sure what it should be on. Or even if Mrs. S will really get when I try and type it out. Joe, you maybe could...
But today was nothing too special. Neither was the weekend. I worked and my boss was on edge and threw down the phone. I asked him what was wrong and he told me I put the wrong fax number in and that it wasn't going through for a transfer. O_O Holy crap for a wrong number which I totally didn't mean to enter it wrong. So he made me feel like crap. Lucky me I only had to stick around for another 10 minutes and then I was out of there. And because of that and other friend issues that are/were piling up, I went shopping. And that isn't a good thing. I bought Final Fantasy IV for Nintendo DS and I do like it. Haven't gotten very far in it but I did start it! Oh bought Casino Royal on DVD too for my dad as my phone bill. Ah, I remember being so lost in the theater because I hadn't seen all of the first one...
But the last movie I went to see was Watchmen. I know, how does a someone under 18 get in? Their dad wants to go see the movie or a horrible scary one. Hehe...convinced him that scary wasn't good.
ALMOST WISH I HADN'T SEEN IT...with him. Akward sex scene *shudders* ek. Not something to see with your dad. But the rest of the movie was pretty good. As crazy as they both were, I loved Rorschach and The Comedian. They were nut cases and Rorschach scared the living lights outta me in the beginning of the movie. He was Psycho! Completely! But by the end, I had to admire him in a quirky way. Erg. Didn't like the ending for the movie at all though. Well, maybe a little but my ending seems a lot better. So I went to Chapters to read teh last scene of the movie/comic to see what was better.
Would I be a bad fan to say that the movie moved me more...?
BUT HOLY COW! Wolverine: Origns trailer! SOOOO EXCITED FOR THAT NOW! SOOO EXCITED! Hugh Jackman is the smex. Ryan Reynolds is amazing (AND DEADPOOL TO BOOT! WHO'S EXCITED FOR DEADPOOL?! Took long enough...) And yes, one of Amber's top 3 Marvel characters finally makes an appearance. Yes, everyone...REMY aka GAMBIT IS FINALLY IN THE X-MEN MOVIE! *squees* He even beats Peter Parker on my Marvel list...making him #1. REMY, REMY!!! Now when they make X-Men 4 with Rogue and Remy. Life would be a little happier for me. Really it would. Nightcrawler so didn't get enough screen time. And freak, they BARELY mentioned Colusses. And Kitty was a minor role in 3 who made it seem like she was boyfriend stealing mutant. NOT the case in the comics but meh. At least Ellen Page was Kitty.
Please fellow LJ users make too much fun of me. I have invented a new word. A Gerd. Geek+Nerd=Gerd. Ahm!
Gerd : To have an intense love of not only North American comics and movies that follow them, but on of the Japanese manga and their counter part Anime.
See! New word! :D
english again,
wolverine trailer,
watchmen movie,