Anime Boston 2008: Day 1+2

Mar 22, 2008 02:00


So I packed till like 4am, glued my Xellos staff and shite then slept about 4 hours. I went to school and Neji finally picked me up. We drove for a few hours and the moon looked mad fake. XD we joked about it being shopped. Cali and Freckles were there when I got there, so they hung in the room. We ended up making friends with the neighboring room, dudes with a companian cube. Then we went to get our badges and did the caramelldanson dance in line.  Met a random Nii cosplayer and spazzed then we squished and tried to sleep.

Woke up at 6am to get people to get their badges, wandered off and bumped into an Obito and Ebisu and talked to them, a random girl interjected and turned out to be the epic Yuki from AN! then wandered to take a pic and bumped into some random Elfenlied cosplayers, Higurashi too! I talked to them for a while in line and we talked about pairings and stuff, then on the way back I spazzed at a Muraki cosplayer.

This made my night, for after asking if I could take a pic I proceeded to do so. After I took it I turned to ask a friend something and then Muraki shanked me XD I went OMG and fake died then I said " I am a Mazoku,  I can't die! but I LOVE YOU!" XD It made my CON!

Headed back to room and ate munchies then bound Shu-chan and Sasuke (really well FTW DD to A cup with a simple.... pffft simple my ass ~_~  DUCT TAPE)   Anyway  we headed down as Punk Rock Team seven(Naruto Artbook) and wandered the con, Artists Alley etc and got pins and a print or two. Checked in for the Yaoi dating game at con ops ( I was Xellos and Erin was the K-announcers Shuichi minion)  we then went around more and got food. Saw Sai and chouji and bothered them, then went to the room to change for the Yaoi dating game. While waiting for my staff to dry we went to the naruto shoot (Erin and nick were still rocker Naruto and Sasuke) It was cool as usual, but small (LOL friday shoot) anyway. Guz-man came down eventually as Dead Asuma and took a funny pic with the shika's and choujis. also, random pairing shoot. Went to Masq ops and began to freak out completely >.< I was overtired and scared shitless so I babbled to the Ursela and Howl contestants, then I found out that the Howl was an old con bud of mine ( SEE: EPIC MURAKI AT AN WHO STOLE A GLASS FROM THE HOTEL :3 <333333 LUFF)  Went upstairs and found a Watari who I bothered. (her group is doing Saiyuki tomorrow/today) went into Yaoi dating game and....

Well it was epic fail from my end >.> You'll probably see my craptasticness on Youtube. I had a panic attack after and >.< by the time it was over, the Lina had poofed ;_;
We looked for her but didn't find her and eventually gave up, after meeting new con friends. FTW. Still wanna find the Lina and at least apologise and Shu needs a pic with K-san <3333333333  damn camera fails sooooooo gonna sleep now.

wtf i fail, ab, con

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