
Apr 02, 2009 12:00

Welcome newcomers.

You are in a room with two doors, two computers, and three signs. A chair sits in a corner, bolted to the floor. A Zippo lighter is lying on the floor across the room. There is one other person in the room with you: a sexual predator sitting on the chair.

The first sign sits nearby the Zippo lighter and reads, "Do not touch the lighter. It is charged with enough electricity to result in immediate death with a single touch."

The second sign sits in the center of the room and reads, "Behind one door you will find eternal fortune and happiness. Behind the other door is a room painted entirely green. In that room are a stepladder and a vicious, rabid German shepherd, both painted entirely green. You may only choose one door to open; should you find eternal fortune and happiness, you will be brought home, but should you choose the green room, you will be trapped there to be devoured by the German shepherd."

In front of each door is a computer; the third sign sits between them. It reads as follows: "One computer is programmed to always lie under all circumstances, and the other is programmed to always tell the truth, regardless of the wrath of the Integrated Data Thought Entity."

You have no idea how you have arrived in the room, and any special powers you may have possessed prior to arriving have disappeared. The three signs in the room are the only information you have been given. As soon as you are able to process all the information, however, the sexual predator stands up and quickly begins to approach, pulling a switchblade from his back pocket.

With the criminal on your heels, you only have the time to ask one computer one question, or else try to fight off the criminal.

What do you do?


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