Now I Know

Aug 30, 2009 20:56


As I stare at this blank page, my hand writes what ever words it wants to. It took me so long to think of what to write, and I don’t know until now. You know it takes me forever to get my creative juices running.

As I think hard for this, background music plays in my head. Yes, background music. It’s a mellow, very mellow song with a piano. You know that I love mellow music with the piano touch.

As the tune plays on, my thoughts drift away. Far, far away. Sometimes it’s back to my childhood and the smiles I had for everyone. Sometimes it’s to my school days and the aches I always felt. Sometimes my thoughts go back to you; how we met, how we smiled, and how we fell in love. You know how much I think of you.

As I dream of us, I return to reality. I need to write this and I need to write it now. There are so many things I need to say. Things that will sting, hurt, and break my heart. You know I hate the pain of reality.

As I write this for you, tears are in my eyes again. I don’t know how to write what I want to say. I don’t know how I can even think of writing this, when it’s already hurting me. I don’t know how to make the music stop or how to make my thoughts leave you. I don’t know how to escape this bitter moment. You know so many things I wish I did.

Now I know

This is how it is to say goodbye.

AN: No specific pairing for this, simply because I want all of you to enjoy it. Think of your own persona for this, any pairing at all. Please tell me how you feel about this one, because I'd love to know. Also, please read the post I will be posting in a little while; it's an important matter.
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