Waiting for You (GTOP)

Aug 19, 2009 16:51

            Choi Seung Hyun, you said, “I love it, thanks so much.”

I gave you that shirt, that one personalized t-shirt. You said you loved it. You thanked me for it.

Not too long ago, do you know where I found it?

Still in its plastic. At the bottom of your pile of shirts. Unused.

You said, “I’ll miss you so much.”

I gave you one embrace; the last for a long, long time. You hugged back-with more emotion than I would have expected from you.

I was waiting. Waiting. Waiting for you.

But not one letter. Not one email. No calls. At all.

You said, “I love you, Ji Yong.”

You repeated your words. Over and over. You probably didn’t hear me, but I whispered the same for you.

You finally, finally, came back. Came home. To me.

I missed you. I loved you. I still do.

Actions speak louder than words, but your words are loud enough for me.

You’re my personal heartbreaker, but you mend me right up to make things seem like nothing ever happened. And I believe you.

AN: This is for xbigbangx  Technically, this is more on the plot I thought of for a G-Ri (the actions speak louder than words part) but I decided to merge it with her request plot. I hope that's okay.

fanfiction: bigbang, p: gtop

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