I got home from work today and my husband had bought me a half dozen red roses and a vase for no reason. he seems to be doing better today. He talked to his dad again and didn't find out anything more but at least his dad isn't running away from everybody again.
And since I've had some free time, I finally uploaded some pics.
my dear husband and his cat Ralphie. both being irressitably cute
our friend's cat: Captain Croaker. Come to the darkside... we have kittens!
the reason why people know i'm a geek at work. the flowers in the back are actually pens, as is the monkey, and the goofy purple thing with feathers. (i like odd pens) There's also Buddy Christ, chibigundams, and my happy wobbly. The smiley face bobs back and forth all day and it's run on solar power. its supposed to relax you.
and a random kitten i got in an email that was tooo cute not to share.