Feb 21, 2006 21:25
Karate was pretty good tonight. Sempai and I worked wazas for a while and then got to play with a yawara stick (i doubt i spelled it correctly. it's just s short maybe 4-5" stick held in your hand).
Kyoto wants me to start working on what "turns me on". You see, I can fight and do well but not my best. I get pissed off (usually at myself for something or other) and I'll tear your head off and shit down your bleeding stump of a neck and then bite you before you finish throwing your technique. (i'll never live down biting my teacher during that one fight or the fact that he is now reading AB:VH)
What I need to do is to be able to be that good and brutal without having to get pissed/mad first. I need to find my "on switch" and how to turn it on without the middle step of getting pissed. Which lead kyoto to discussing how in the Anitaverse, Anita draws on this big well of anger whenever she fights. I need to do that, keep the anger there, just under the surface (it already there because it comes out at the wrong times) but be able to let it out only when I want it out and keep it on a leash. So I need to figure this out before I'll be able to progress for a while.
anita blake