Title: Thank You: Bokutachi Kara Kimi E
Show: School Kakumei
Artist: Hey! Say! JUMP (Yamada Ryosuke, Chinen Yuri, Yaotome Hikaru) + Yugo Kochi
Type: .avi
size: 29.6 mb
Duration: 02.14
here 2012.04.08
Title: Hitomi no Screen, Beat Line, Super Delicate
Show: School Kakumei
Artist: Hey! Say! JUMP (Yamada Ryosuke, Chinen Yuri, Yaotome Hikaru, Nakajima Yuto) + Yugo Kochi
Type: .avi
size: 35.2 mb
Duration: 02.24
here 2012.04.15 2012.04.22
Title: Wonderful Cupid
Show: School Kakumei
Artist: Hey! Say! JUMP (Yamada Ryosuke, Chinen Yuri, Yaotome Hikaru)
Type: .avi
size: 24.8 mb
Duration: 01.42
here The size is small but the quality of the video is good enough.(It's more like MQ)
Credits: Simile
Comment if taking