Title: Ultra Music Power
Show: Shounen Club
Artist: Hey! Say! JUMP (Hikaru Yaotome, Daiki Arioka, Ryosuke Yamada)
Type: .avi
size: 64 mb
Duration: 01.26
here Title: Ai no Katamari
Show: Shounen Club
Artist: Ryosuke Yamada
Type: .avi
size: 157 mb
Duration: 3.33
here note: this is a song by ABC-Z but in this clip they show us Ryosuke, Daiki, Hikaru, Fuma, Kento, and Shori's childhood photo (also some juniors) so I uploaded this in case some people want to see~
Title: Twinkle Twinkle A.B.C-Z
Show: Shounen Club
Artist: A.B.C-Z
Type: .avi
size: 152 mb
Duration: 3.25
here credits: shokura@lj