Life is good.

Apr 08, 2008 02:04

Alas, what has happened since my absence?

-Took French and a cyberpunk lit. class; dropped both from lack of motivation halfway through.
-Took a break from learning Vietnamese. Professor spoke over me too much when I had something to say.
-I've been going to the gym since last September.
-I find myself going on Gaia Online as some kind of coping for the lack of money I have in real life.
-Went to the Renaissance Festival twice this year.
-Watched a huge fighting game tournament go down. The name of the tournament was called Devastation. My friend won one of the many tournaments taking place; he played Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
-I've learned how to play pool.
-I signed up to volunteer at an upcoming anime convention that goes by Saboten-con.

And what's going on at the moment?

-As of now until the end of this semester, I have 2 classes to attend: a retake of intro. psychology and women in society (women's studies).
-I'm seeking:
-volunteer work to pass my time until I can get a job.
-classes for the fall semester.
-a job so I can afford to take summer classes at a community college
-Selling off the textbooks I don't need tomorrow (or today as the entry puts it).
-I'll be driving more often soon.
-I am figuring out how to draw on Photoshop. I have CS2 on the desktop and CS3 on my notebook.
'Tis quite difficult when I do not know where to look to learn. I managed to find several tutorials on lineart, cel shading, etc. Personally though, I could stand to improve on my drawings.

My outlook on life has gotten bright as of lately. I've made a few new friends and managed to keep a few and find a few more as well. There is someone whom I'd like to introduce my family to. :D Times might get more difficult, but I am pulling through well.

I'm back to an undeclared major once again. Arg, still figuring it out. Now that I think of it, if I pick one major that is hot right now and then when I come to graduate, there wouldn't be a job for me in that field because a lot of people would be going for the same thing. It's happened to a couple of my friends when they decided on electrical engineering.

I will probably have updates like this once in a while. Still got a myspace, and now a facebook. Anyways, it's late and I got class in about 8 hours so good night.
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