.M.Y. .G.R.E.E.N. O.U.J.I.S.A.M.A.

May 05, 2011 23:47

I,m going to post some pics that I find it interesting about my oujisama~
I love PINK!!!
But, for some reason, I love "GREEN"
Yeah... GREEN...

I'm not talking about this GREEN,














OMG!!!! It's GREENNNNNN!!!!!
IT's THEM!!!!
I,ve made some keywords for them~


I got this pics while surfing the net~
This is my fav pic of Shige...
If someone knows where it is from, please tell me~
I first saw him in the PV Cherish....
My first impression of him is he is cool..
Now, I think that cool is not the right word for him...
I think he is cute..
His cuteness reveals in the episode of SOUKON...
Especially the part they are at the zoo.


I really love this pic...
I capture this from Wahaha PV...
For Ohkura Tadayoshi, the word best resemble him is food....
Minna-san.... Did you watch JANIBEN???
If you do watch the part where Tada became 'RICE-THIEF", then you know why food = TADA...
Actually, I first saw him in DOMOTO KYOUDAI, the part when KANJANI8 is their guest...
It was KANJANI8's first appearance...
Then, I can't stop from watching KANJANI8 shows...


Aiba Masaki...
This is my recent lover....
(Aiba's fans... Please don't kill me~)
I first saw him in TENSAI! SHIMURA DOUBUTSUEN...
My friend recommended me to watch this show because she thinks that this show is soooo amusing...
I really love when he interacts with the animals because he is like approaching the animals without really thinking about the risk...
I really love the episode when he is chasing a cheetah with a bicycle....

This is not the part he chase cheetah...
Somehow, I just feel like sharing this with you guys...
Isn't he cute???
Or tennen maybe???

That's it for today....
I was away for a long time...
Continuing LJ-ing again feels a bit awkward~
Hope can post more interesting entries ahead...

Little baby Eito is already sleepy...
He wanna say Good Night to you all...
Sing a lullaby for him...
Have a nice dream everyone~

P/S: Non of these pictures belongs to me...
I got it while browsing the net, except for Tada's pic (Wahhaha).. I got the PV from these kind people from (eitokickass )

k8 tada, news shige, baby eito, arashi aiba, gif

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