Genre: Romance
Pairing: Lavi/Kanda
Rating: T
Summary: Lavi admires Kanda while he's asleep, thinking over what he loves the most of the Japanese man. LaviYuu attempt at poetry, posted for Kanda's Birthday!
Warnings: Lavi's corniness, implied boy/boy sex...
Note: Thanks so much to Morphine Dementia who helped me out with this one, and
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I was thanking you for your kind words towards my first attempt at being poetic in a language that's not my own XD
And, that's what your mind come up with when you're waiting at 4 o'clock in the night in front of a closed small airport, in the middle of nowhere, alone, looking forward for it to reopen and finally succeed in getting on your plane, while sleep is haunting you together with the police... That was something, really.
It was my unforgettable trip to attend the Japan Expo in Paris last year... I forgot that small airports close during night hours =_= Having my flight at 6AM forced me to reach the airport the evening before, 'cause small fucking airports are not well connected with bus or something to the nearest railway station...
I wrote this drabble to keep me awake and to spend all that dead time - but before I set myself comfortable onto a scooter parked nearby and started to focus on the story, well...
So I was, very nonchalantly, waiting beside the closed entrance, wearing my Kanda black wig hair down together with the coat of the 3rd uniform, calmly intent on combing my hair XD That was when the police car stopped at the sidewalk on which I was, beckoning me to come nearer ^^""
You know, Kanda brushing his hair it's quite suspicious, so they asked my papers, questioning me about why I was alone at that time in such a place... Oh my.
And do you want to laugh? One of those two cops found me in the same situation on my return! XDDDDD
Cop: "Oh, I know her, we already took the papers data," he said to his partner.
Me: "....."
Note to self: NEVER leave from that airport ever again.
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