Title: Misfortunes can turn into Miracles
yukachan21Pairing: Akame, RyoKame, RyoPi, TomaPi.
Genre: Angst, Romance (PG-16 for some violence)
Disclaimer: They owned me, I don’t them I guess i own the plot (~_^)/
Summary: Kame and Jin were childhood friends, but then one day kame packed up and left because him and family were moving, but it kame failed of how to tell his best friend about it, so instead of saying it he put it to paper. When a tragic misfortune happened making kame lose his sight, who is now kept in the darkness of eternity. (Hahahahh! Yes my terrible summaries =P )
Prologue //
Chapter One //
Chapter 2 //
Chapter 3 //
Chapter 4 //
Chapter 5 //
Chapter 6 //
Chapter 7 //
Chapter 8 //
Chapter 9 //
Chapter 10 //
Chapter 11 ( “
I found a way to make everyone happy… even you kame" )