Mod Post: YUI Stalker and Beyond

Oct 09, 2010 23:36

This is not your usual Mod Post -- this might be a shocker or a sad moment.

Anyways, it was first posted on my personal journal. Lately, I have been busy with work/lazy/busy with other stuff other than fandom/other priorities. After weighing my current life status, I have decided the following changes to this site.

This is my very first website entirely dedicated to YUI, starting from last April 2008. Though it really saddened me (I have to prioritize and weigh situations), I have decided:

1. To make the posting unmoderated so that any member can post YUI-related stuff.
2. To find: (1) a new Moderator and/or (2) a new Maintainer

Sorry, I think I cannot fully maintain the community anymore. In the past weeks/months, the community has less updates (with less comments) and there are a lot files/news, etc. that are being neglected/not posted because of my inability to maintain it. I will still remain as a Maintainer and will still occasionally post whenever I can.

Anyways, to those who wants to apply as Moderator and/or Maintainer, here are the few requirements needed:
1. Of course, you need to be a member of yuistalker
2. Must be a YUI fan and have a network of YUI sites that can be used as reference (though the latter is not really a needed requirement).
3. Must be dedicated and willing to do update the site regularly.
4. Must be fluent in the English Language.
5. It's a plus if you are fluent in Japanese and can translate from Japanese to English.

To all willing, please drop a comment on this post or directly email me at! I'll be waiting for applicants! If I can't find a new Moderator/Maintainer by next week (I guess), I might get prompted to totally close the website. Sorry guys.

Lastly, I would like to say two things to all of my members:
1. Thank you very much for all the support you guys gave to me, this website and my efforts on sharing the fandom. It has been a good and happy journey, and though its not a good-bye, you'll feel me less than the usual in the past.
2. Sorry for those who might get disappointed with decision I made. I just had to organize and pick out what things are my current priorities and what are not. It might sound selfish, it might sound insensitive, but I felt I need to do this.

BUT.. this does not end my post. I might not be doing the usual updates and news on several YUI-related websites of mine, I have also decided that I might do a few YUI feature post in my blog (yupeh) -- feature post that can range from personal opinions to various information about YUI and others. This is kinda my tribute to my penultimate YUI idol, Teo -- who did a similar one on her defunct blog now. I know I can't match her witty, inspiring and 'educational' posts in her previous blog, but I can always try. So, you might want to look forward to those.


*mod post

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