Aug 18, 2006 08:18
(Warning! This review contains spoilers and potential profanity. Be warned your virgin eyes don't burn!)
Snakes On A Plane, man. Snakes On A Plane.
It started as a simple place-holder title starring Samuel L. Jackson, and blew up into a massive cult hit even before the trailer was released. In a season that saw the return of Superman, the last stand of the X-Men, the return of Captain Jack, this was to many the most anticipated movie. In a sea of sequels and remakes, this was perhaps the sole original concept. A horde of poisonous snakes released on a plane as an assassination attempt? It is unique, at least. The title makes you question why there would be snakes on this plane, and Sam Jackson's presence let's you know he'll be a total badass and take out those snakes with extreme force and lots of explicatives. The movie itself plays like a fairly standard disaster flick, though considerably more over the top (which is likely the result of the invention of the internet fandom), and with the aformentioned Jackson leading a slew of fun character actors. In this respect, it works better than Poseidon (which had nearly five times the budget, not to mention massive marketing costs), and in fact, most epic disaster movies. It never takes itself too seriously, it lets us know enough about the characters that we like some of them, but don't care about them as we would be forced to for a movie like Poseidon (or Airport or Earthquake). It's fun watching people panic and get bit by snakes, or the snooty British jerk get swallowed by a python (after he does the most unforgivable thing in cinema, which is killing a dog), or random snakes getting tasered, skewered or cooked by the film's resident badass. The movie is bad, but in a good way, it manages to transcend being totally boring and take a fresh concept to crazy new heights. Were any element not present, be it Samuel L. Jackson, the cheesy special effects, the internet fanbase, even the explainatory title, the movie wouldn't have worked. But seeing every single element of the craziest, strangest, most badass movie of the summer come together is purely awesome. You can put these mother fucking snakes on my mother fucking plane any day.