Apr 04, 2005 15:42
As I stood clinging to my string bass (or was it clinging to me) drowning out the drones of a Adsit conducting project (aka a performance major who has no idea how to teach, (not his fault, I heart my performance major friends :))) the realization of it all came over me.
It's only monday. And that makes my heart sad.
Alot to do. I'm brushing up (or should be brushing up) for FRED Fantasia tonight. I feel like an awful Big for not studying with my Little at all but she has been on top of things. I'm defintely kidnapping her this week and going to study and eat lots of food. That's my plan anyway, I'm sure life will have something to say about it. I'm looking forward to the pizza aspect afterwards as well. Mmm..Pizza.
I'll admit, I am upset about not getting alumnae liason. I know I said I wouldn't be, but it takes a lot for me to step forward. My ego is a bit bruised. But I wanted Lauren to get it if it weren't me. And I'm very happy with the e-board results as a whole. I'm done now. Back to the shadows.
Initiation rehearsal tonight. Then surprise surprise an exam in world music survey and human development to study for. Like that's never happened before.
I finally took my dress in to get cleaned and pressed. Happily, it will only take a day or two to get it back. Sounds good to me.
I'm really sad it's only monday folks.