la it was some weekendy goodness this weekend ~
lots of fun uwaa . although i didn't do any work.
and now i have lots. which i guess i should do now.
ohhhhh well C:
buuut on the bright side today i did get my crayfish drawing/worksheet back, and got an E+ (excellent not a grade E > x< ) and was glad as it was a darn masterpeice (oof so modest) wellll not a masterpeice but nice looking for me eh ?? xD;;; i wanna put it on my wall/door (WOAH YES) but maybe we're meant to keep them ?? will ask tommorrow na ~
WOAH ANYWAY. on with the weekend, (and now, the moment has come) i'm travelling back in time
ohkayyy can i remember this far back haha.
yep i got up sometime,organised to order pizza as our domino's vouchers ran out sunday ~~gotta take advantage of a deal !!!especially 50% off ahhh. anyway, not ordering 'til 1:30 ahh T 3T so went to randomly visit/pester sam and helped him tidy his room haha (okay i did like 2 things but hey). THENNN pizza time yay o vo ordered so much (again), was very full. between 10 of us, and cost £3.70 each ??? so good me and owen hid the meateor (yes,bad pun) pizza kukukkk so had lots of it ne > v> (still the fair share !!)
i ran off early (although after the food had gone haha) to go grocery shopping with sam (i am addicted to grocery shopping seriously haha. even though he was already in town and i just spent about 20minutes in sainsburys before walking home xDD). i didn't even need to buy anything. OTL bad grocery addiction
then... when we got back ~ later me,kalpana, eilyn set off for the asian food festival iii. haha on the way fun discussing getting college husbands xD (although..i dunno if you can pick yours. infact maybe not.. but OH WELL) na we persuaded eilyn to ask owen it was SO SWEEEEET "owen.. do you have a college wife ?"huhu but he accepted and super sweet,funny xD (of course..only if you know the people i'm talking about oop)
sooo the asian food festival yeah o vo the queue was SUPER long T ^T 'cause they were only allowed 150people in the dining hall at a time (random note:the guy singing in the next room is REALLY getting on my nerves,and my headphones are broken arrghhh. i can still hear him if i turn my music up loud...wahh he stopped maybe he got the idea..)
ANYWAY. yeah we queued for an hour outside even though we got our tickets already xPP but it was fun anyway ne . the ticket was like a £5 coupon booklet to get food from the different stalls. but as stuff was average £0.50 - £3.50 (DARN HE STARTED AGAIN !my music is going up LOUD)(urgh can still hear him over know if i put it up FULL VOLUME i can still hear him. COME ON HAVE SOME CONSIDERATIONor get some singing lessons. yeah i can be mean if it's 2am every dayyyy T ^T)
ohyeah i don't want people to just say about my whining sorry xP BACK TO THE FESTIVAL !! as i was saying,or atleast implying haha, with your £5 you can't get much variety,although the portions are a good size. sooo me, kalpana and eilyn shared all of what we got ~ it was a lot and all so good T vT although i was full from pizza still hahaha. gaww i am eating so much at uni but there is so much nice food here uuuuu
we got.. ah i was looking them up but it took so long even looking through the menu. we got a big variety though o vo was gooood. stuff from japanese,malaysian,indonesian,taiwan(BUBBLETEAAAA. WAS SO GOOD),hong kong,vietnamese,singapore stalls (aha no chinese things.)
thennn went back, eilyn's room and had milo <3 can't beat some choooocolately goodness. and back to my room to plan my outfit for tommorrow.hahahaha
uwaa so i got up quite early, and i couldn't sleep in the morning 'cause i was a little nervous/excited !haha. and.. got all ready in lolita to go out to the london meet (my first!hence nervousness haha xD) actually.. i left way early at like 10:30, 11. and the bus was at 12:30 aha. so i got some icecream and went around town for a little kukukkk. actually i was expecting more laughing,questions,rudeness but all i got was a few stares and maybe laughs behind my back.hmmm ne ~
anyway, got on the bus and met up with kyra and dom n __n after some...problems with the underground (why close the lines we need that day?! ahhh) we met up with other many uwaaa, and in the end there were 30-50 people really * __* i wanna get photos to show you guys but none up yet nano (when there is one big group one..i will update here). first,set off to the tate modern although actually..i didn't look at any art haha (although i looked over the balcony at this scary huge spider thing,and huge strange skeleton animals wah @ x @)
so after everyone found each other we took photos huhu then split up ~ our group went to the cafe haha as opposed to the exhibitions and i got some cheesecake and lemoncake (aha not both me and rowan split ours). na~ then, walk around and went to chinatown ! (woah this is a super compact account of the day) and, by this point, there were only 10 people left nano ~ which is nice,to get to talk to people more ne. went to a japanese place forgot name but it was gooood. i got oyakodon (wah i missed you T VT) and greentea icecream ohh yummy yummy so full. then ~ off home ! bus again and sat next to a lovely german woman, she was interested in what i was wearing, and i told her about meetups and stuff :>
there were more people noticing us in london probably as we were such a mega group haha. i got a couple of people asking me what we were dressed up for,why. but they were nice so it was good to explain ne ~ i never had that experience before, haha. also a lot of people taking photos especially in the tate. i wasn't there.. but people told me about this guy who came up to them xDDD and asked if they were an exhibition . "a sexy exhibition" hahahaha
but i super super enjoyed it C: i thought as a new person i would be left out ~although there were also a lot of other new people. but really nice and friendly uwaaa :D lot of names to remember haha freshers' week all over again.and good as i felt included,more so than when i started uni nano. there's also a lot of good conversation starters "where's your skirt from ?"etc etc haha,and you have something in common you can talk about "AP's new print ??". wow so many super cute,lovely lolis with awesome coordintes gotta try super hard uwa x'D someday i will be awesome too !! i wish
looking forward to the meet next week ! :D
woahhh this entry took me about 1 1/2 hours to write what !?!? damnnn i was meant to be doing my essay now it's kinda late urgh you better appreciate this haha someone