(no subject)

Jun 05, 2015 17:48

My first time seeing a world event in action on Runescape. On the one hand, there's the wow factor of doing parkour on meteors across the cosmos to stab an evil space god in the face. On the other hand, the other activities don't make a whole lot of sense (flagpole-sitting on said evil god's hair follicles comes to mind).

The game also forces players to pick from four competing "god" factions to power up our weapons: Saradomin (militant jerk), Zamorak (exploitative jerk), Armadyl (pacifist in name only), and the Godless (all mortals all the time). Unsurprisingly, the fans of more minor, moderate, or dead gods are all joining Team Godless, giving them a huge majority in the event.

I think my ideal ending for this event would be for NPC The Raptor to show up, kill Tuska easily, and mock everybody for thinking this was anything but another kill for him. Sadly, I think Jagex will probably not troll us like that since a lot of players would ragequit.


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