Feb 08, 2014 15:34
Unfortunately, it seems the holidays have done their thing, and I'm back over 160. Better start planning meals in advance and not eating sweets, cheese, and fried chicken so much.
I've also finally gotten into the fitness room at my apartments. It's usually empty, so I've started using it after work to walk on the treadmill, which is nice to mentally unwind and listen to music for a bit. Starting at half an hour at a time, 3.5 MPH (comfortable brisk walk) at 4% incline, but I might up it to an hour when dinner's taking a while to thaw/soak or laundry needs to be dried (our laundromat washers don't take long, our dryers do).
I've finally begun to figure out my personal fashion style past "shirt + jeans". I like geeky shirts, and I like skirts, and I like pants-- WEAR THEM ALL. Skirt over leggings, with geeky shirt. Yes. Jewelry optional. This means, of course, that I need leggings. And skirts. And geeky shirts that actually fit right (but they're so expensive, and geek shirts for girls are so hard to find outside the internet...).
As long as I'm shopping, I should probably grab some more workout clothes, too. These are starting to smell weird.
real life