Oct 10, 2009 23:15
Cleaning cages went well, except for the part where I had to bail early (well... kind of. Volunteer hours end at 5, I left at 4) because I was on the rag and didn't pack a pad. Oops. Most of the pigs were pretty skittish of me, though there was one white with pink eyes who kept bitching for attention the entire time I was working with his neighbors. His name is Milky Way. Another white (they don't get adopted much because they're kind of plain!) caught my eye because his was runny, and the lady running the shelter told me that was a good thing to notice and call attention to. There was a little girl there choosing a guinea pig to adopt, too, but she wasn't interested in the white piggies.
I am now wanting to foster/adopt piggies more than ever, but with my college education on the line as it is, I don't think that's a smart thing for me to do right now.
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In more Gaiafag news, I'm doing an avatar-cosplay of Vladimir Von Helson for Halloween. And I feel like a huge tool for doing so.
guinea pigs!,
real life