National security adviser: US preparing more Russia sanctions over Navalny poisoning and imprisonment By Jessica Campisi, CNN
Updated 1526 GMT (2326 HKT) June 20, 2021
(CNN)The Biden administration is
preparing to impose additional sanctions on Russia over the poisoning of imprisoned opposition leader Alexey Navalny, national security adviser Jake Sullivan said Sunday.
"We are preparing another package of sanctions to apply in this case," Sullivan told CNN's Dana Bash on "State of the Union."
"We've shown all along the way that we are not going to pull our punches, whether it's on solar winds, or election interference, or Navalny when it comes to responding to Russia's harmful activities."
Sullivan said the sanctions will come once the US can "ensure that we are getting the right targets," adding, "When we do that, we will impose further sanctions with respect to chemical weapons."
Sullivan's comments come days after President Joe Biden's
three-hour summit in Geneva with Russian President Vladimir Putin that capped off his first foreign tour since taking office. Biden and Putin each described the meeting as generally positive but without any major breakthroughs. And Biden, who has since turned back to
his agenda at home, has said proof of progress with Russia will come later, when the results of his diplomacy bear out.
Biden said last week that he
warned Putin during their meeting of the consequences if Navalny were to die in prison, telling reporters: "I made it clear to him that I believe the consequences of that would be devastating for Russia."
The Biden administration
imposed a raft of sanctions on Russian officials and entities in March over the poisoning and imprisonment. The actions -- made in coordination with the European Union, which also unveiled sanctions -- represent the first significant move against Moscow since Biden took office.
Asked by Bash later in the interview if there will be actions against China as the US
investigates the origins of Covid-19, Sullivan said, "We are not, at this point, going to issue threats or ultimatums."
"What we're going to do is continue to rally support in the international community," Sullivan said. "And if it turns out that China refuses to live up to its international obligations, we will have to consider our responses at that point, and we will do so in concert with allies and partners."
Sullivan also addressed the election of
ultra-conservative judiciary chief Ebrahim Raisi to the presidency in Iran, saying it likely wouldn't have a major impact on nuclear negotiations with the country because the Supreme Leader didn't change.
The US, Sullivan said, is "showing Iran that if they choose not to negotiate in good faith and reassume their nuclear obligations, that it won't just be the US -- it'll be the international community -- that isolates them."
He added: "America's national security interests do not change. Our national security interest is to prevent Iran from ever acquiring a nuclear weapon. We believe diplomacy, and not military action, is the best way to do that."
This story has been updated with additional details.
Мария Захарова [20.06.21 18:06] Из Вашингтона идут сообщения о подготовке нового пакета санкций в отношении нашей страны. «Северный поток-2» в изложении местных чиновников увязывается с Навальным. На незаконные действия США всегда следовал наш закономерный ответ. Странно, что в Вашингтоне некоторым так нравится бег с препятствиями по карусели. Что касается увязки экономического проекта, участниками которого являются частные операторы и независимые государства, с Навальным, то американские идеологи изобличили сами себя: вся возня вокруг мнимого отравления им нужна как инструмент решения проблем собственной неконкурентоспособности.
«Президент обязан это сделать по закону»: Сергей Алексашенко о том,
какими могут быть новые санкции США против России из-за Навального 20 июня, 20:55 Антон Желнов
Спустя всего несколько дней после саммита в Женеве США заявили о том, что там готовят новый пакет санкций из-за отравления Алексея Навального. Об этом в эфире CNN сказал советник Джо Байдена по национальной безопасности Джейк Салливан.
Экономист Сергей Алексашенко отмечает, что США приняли решение о введении санкций в связи с отравлением Навального в начале марта 2021 года, и основано оно на законе о предотвращении распространения химического оружия 1991 года. Этот закон предусматривает две волны санкций. Сначала президент США выносит решение о том, что какая-то страна применила химическое оружие, и если в течение девяноста дней после этого страна, применившая оружие, не вступает в переговоры по теме ликвидации последствий такого инцидента, то вводится вторая волна санкций.
«Президент обязан это сделать по закону, который существует в США уже тридцать лет, и если он этот закон не будет выполнять, то он столкнётся со своеобразными юридическими проблемами», - добавил экономист.
NATIONAL SECURITY Published 16 hours ago
China will face international 'isolation'
if no cooperation on coronavirus origin probe: Jake SullivanSullivan praised President Biden for inducing his fellow G-7 leaders to put pressure on China
Evie Fordham | Fox News China will face "isolation in the international community" if the country does not cooperate with further probes into the origin of the
coronavirus pandemic, national security adviser Jake Sullivan told "Fox News Sunday."
Sullivan praised
President Biden for inducing his fellow G-7 leaders to put pressure on China to allow a transparent investigation of the pandemic's origins.
BIDEN DENIES HE'S 'OLD FRIENDS' WITH CHINA'S XI "What Joe Biden did in Europe this week was rally the democratic world to speak with a common voice on this issue for the first time since Covid broke out. President Trump wasn’t able to do it. President Biden was. He got the G-7 to endorse a statement saying in unison that China must allow an investigation to proceed within its territory," Sullivan said.
"It is that diplomatic spadework - rallying the nations of the world, imposing political and diplomatic pressure on China, that is a core part of the effort we are undertaking to ultimately face China with a stark choice: Either they will allow, in a responsible way, investigators in to do the real work of figuring out where this came from, or they will face isolation in the international community," he continued.
The U.S. won't rely solely on China, however, Sullivan said.
"The president reserves the right through our own analysis, our own intelligence community’s efforts that he has directed and through other work that we will do with allies and partners to continue pressing on every front until we get to the bottom of how this virus came into the world," he said.
"China’s trying very hard to project itself as a responsible and very, very forthcoming nation," Biden
said at a presser on Wednesday. "They are trying very, very hard to talk about how they’re helping the world in terms of COVID-19 and vaccines and they’re trying very hard. Look, certain things you don’t have to explain to the people of the world. They see the results. Is China really, actually trying to get to the bottom of this?"
"One thing we did discuss, as I told you in the EU and at the G-7 and with NATO: what we should be doing and what I’m going to try to make an effort to do is rally the world to work on what is going to be the physical mechanism available to detect early on the next pandemic and have a mechanism by which we can respond to it and respond to it early," he added. "It’s going to happen and we need to do that."
In May, Biden issued a public statement that said the U.S. intelligence community has "coalesced around two likely scenarios" for the origins of the pandemic, "including whether it emerged from human contact with an infected animal or from a laboratory accident," and asked for "additional follow-up."
The president asked the intelligence community to "redouble their efforts to collect and analyze information that could bring us closer to a definitive conclusion."
Fox News' Thomas Barrabi and Brooke Singman contributed to this report.