She's here!

Jul 08, 2011 15:19

She's finally here (: Meet my little Story of a Fairy Lea!

Can I just say - I'm already in love. I think these tiny dolls are perfect for me. Even with my Minifee, I feel that she's too awkward to really *play* with. I love her, but I think LYs are the way to go!

Since I have a bit of money from working at Genentech, I decided to go peruse the marketplace at DoA. It was a bad idea as now I also put a Christmas Lea on layaway. This is bad x'D My mom came with me to pick her up from the post office today and said "I thought you were done buying dolls." Nope :P It just has been a while because these dolls take forever to make x___xv

I need to go find a name for her (: Justin and I were looking around yesterday, and I think we've got it down to a few names. But I realized it's been harder for me to come up with names these days. In the era of Pullips, I thought of names seconds after getting a doll. Or I'd even plan out their name and character before they even arrived. Why is it so hard with these BJDs?

Also! I bought myself a macro lens (took like 2/3 of my first paycheck loooool). And it should be arriving today via UPS :) I should've waited to take pictures but it wasn't like I was just gonna wait to open up my package from Lati, right? Time to wait in front of the door!
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