Sep 01, 2007 00:13
Cruise got a job~~~
whore! (na jaykay)
Soon enough our plan to actually be together will come into motion!
Take that reality!!!!
*karate kick*
Today I was painting a cewl dragon and begin to think about what Jo n I talked about.
What would you do if you saw a parent physically or verbally assaulting their kids in public?
It kept slipping back and forth between actual thought and something I'd think about later, when I heard an woman to my right scream at her daughter
The little girl only wanted to paint her unicorn green and purple. The mother stared her down and snatched the green paint from her daughter. Weird how things like that always happen to me >.<;; So I thought of what I would say...
" Ma'am, you need to shut the fuck up"
*snatches green paint from mom*
*hands paint to little girl*
Simple? Retarded also. What would I say? It's isn't that hard to say something, but since i'm only going to be in their life for 10-60 seconds I might as well make it something that will stick on them... The mother didn't do anything too bad, just yell like a kid like a kid. But what if she did worse?
"Ma'am, you need to shut the fuck--'
Wait, logical..
"Ma'am, there should be one kid in this store, not two. Please refrain from acting immature in public for your sake. Let your daughter handle that for you.."
*hikes up collar and walks away in sunset*
Hellz ya. I can be cool see? Funny how I always think of stupid stuff like this, but in a way I prepare myself for if it does happen! So i won't stutter and forget to say things and seem like a fewl. FEWL!
Couple minutes after I decided not to make such a big deal about something that won't even turn out that bad when the mother yells at her daughter again. This time the daughter painted it her way and ran up to her mom at the table to show off her piece but accidentally slammed it on the table. The mom this time smacked the back of her head pretty good, and the girl started to cry.
'Adults' are nothing but kids with a bigger voice.