catch up time

Dec 23, 2008 08:48

I can't belive it's been since Oct since I wrote... So Halloween went ok.

Rick has been doing alot better. New Dr took him off half of his medications. Seems the last Dr, the old coot over medicated him.. So in turn it made the Bipolar worse. But things are better, no manic episodes in 2 months now.. so we are doing REALLY well.
The Dr seems to think that Rick has lost his manhood. I don't know exactly how he lost it or if it is a thing you can loose. But it disapeared. So he is on a quest to get it back and by taking "baby steps" the intimancy level will come back.. I have my doubts on that one. The boy has trouble putting his arms around me at night to go to sleep. He never use to be like that..
And I am to begin cooking lessons. He can't cook, was never taught. So we have lessons every Sat. So far he has only learned one dish. Christmas came up and we have been to busy..

This Christmas we bought our own romantic right? I needed new cookware.. so I bought a new set of Rachel Ray cookware.. I love it so far..
he got a new hardrive for his laptop.
The coolest gift I got has been an IPod shuffle from work.

Having trouble on the friends subject.. Denise is now having an affair with 2 married men. It was just one. Of course she will tell you they are just friends.... One gave her $100.00.. I so want to ask her what did she do to earn a hundred dollars. I guess it angers me so much because I am married and I know if Rick was having an affair, one I would kick him out and 2 I would cash the woman down.
And Stacy has an infected toe and won't do anything about it. She is possible a diabetic so it would mean loosing her toe or foot.. Her mother lost her foot because an Ant bit her foot and it got infected and she didn't tell anyone, she was a diabetic. Stacy won't do anything because she doesn't have money, no insurance and her first grandchild is coming on Christmas day for a couple of hours. If she goes to Ben Tobb, a free hospital she is afraid they would hold her for a couple of days. So I haven't spoken to her since I found all this out.. I am so mad at her that I can't see straight.. This is my great niece also but I am backing away so she can have the time. But she can't even get out of bed....
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