catching up

Oct 22, 2008 12:50

I had Friday off so I painted pumpkins and started on a altered book. I don't have the picture of the book up yet. I am still painting it. I get atleast 2 pages painted each night.. You paint the book and then add pictures or whatever else you like to it..
And I waited on someone to come look at the dishwasher and the air conditioner. Which everything is fine it was just the last check for the warranty on the house. And Rick had to work late because they are moving their office.

Sat: Rick worked till 3:00 so I did the laundry and painted some more. it was a very peacful day.. Also I tried to finish a wall art that I am doing for our bedroom.
All I need to do now is put a middle and a back on it and quilt it.. I looked for a Japanese wall hanging for our bedroom. Which has a Japanese flare in the decorations, and is grey, black and red. I will hang this on the wall on one side of the windows. So now I will have to make another one for the other side. I am going to the Quilt Convention next week so I will look for Japanese fabric.

Sunday: We did the grocery store with Mom and some other shopping. Then spent the day watching the first season of "Heroes", which we have become addicted to. We never got into the show and Chris had the 1st season. We watched 3 dvds that day, 11 episodes... We are allmost finished, will have to see if Chris has season 2...

So, yesterday I had an appointment with a Neurologist. I had a seizure at work (my co-workers said I fainted twice); they didn't know that that can be a seizure also with me. I knew how I felt before and after and it was one. I have had 2 in the last 4 months. So I decided it was time I got a Neurologist on board. I saw Dr. Rose, a very strange man.. but he seems to know alot about Epilepsy so that made me put my trust in him. After talking to him for an hour... He seems to think I have not had 19 years of seizure free, which I thought they were under control. I have tremors, ticks or when my nerves jerk, and I have a bit of confusion. I told him of hearing one name and then dialing another person.. all of that he says is when the brain is having a seizure but you don't pass out and convulse. Which is what I always had, the grand mal seizures. It always freaked my Mother out, but my Father was the one who would be holding me when I woke up. Anyway, Dr Rose ordered a EEG, which the hospital should be calling me to set up. And I have to have blood work done. I can go to my Dr. and get that done. After I have the blood work done I am suppose to take 2 of the Tegretol at night, I take 1 pill at 5pm now and 1 when I wake up. He said 12 hrs isn't enough or it seems now it isn't enough.. I see him again on Nov 25th. I have the day off and I already have an appointment with my Arthrists Dr that day at that same time.. Mabey I can get that rescheduled for later in the day...

But yesterday was a strange day anyway. And my manager took me to my appointment. I'll try not to do that again, or let it happen. I was going to take a cab but she didn't want me to do that. I don't know if that had everyone on edge but there was something.... Even Judy was upset. She started to tell me but she had tears in her eyes so she stopped. Im sure she will explain it later. And Christi is leaving on the 31st. Changes are coming..

Rick has been ok. But I noticed a bit of manic yesterday when his XBox died. He said he would call Edward and see what his employee discount is at WalMart. He wants to buy a new one, $200.00. So last night he took his PS2 and all his games to Game Stop and sold them. He put the money on credit there and now he says he only has to pay $81.00 for the new XBox...
This morning he was down and we had to drive in because we have his support group to go to. But driving is now starting to bother him. His driving is really bad. My mom worries about me with him in the car.
The support group is good, I just wish we had more people. It is only 3 people.. sometimes 4 when the other Rick shows up. I want to find a group on the weekends but we never have time...


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