Guys, guys, I just saw something awesome! Yes, again. I tend to do that a lot. This doesn't make it any less awesome.
I’ve heard about this indie Viking movie
Severed Ways from
Twitch and finally managed to obtain a German dub version. I was planning to wait for the original DVD (old Norse + English subtitles *_*), but the whole True Blood and Eric business left me craving for some Vikings and it’s not like there was much dialogue to dub anyway.
Wildlife spotting in North America 1007 A.D.
First impression? It completely blew me away. It was so fresh and raw - unlike anything I ever saw! /Ever/! Balancing on the edge between Animal Planet documentary and Viking metal fanboy’s wet dream this movie delivered such an unapologetic story about two northern brutes stranded on an unknown land. It was a visual, musical and narrative experiment that is perhaps best summed up by its
imdb ratings. People either love it or hate it - no in betweens. Now that is an achievement.
First thing: the music. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that Vikings and metal go together. Yet this is the first film that actually goes there all the way. Of course this creates some lol-worthy scenes like the ‘ceremonial blessing’ of the Vikings' new camp...
A ‘rare’ sight: a Viking headbanging to Dimmu Borgir
...but let’s be honest: you can’t properly burn down a church without some black metal.
As for the story: The setting is quite similar to the recent
Pathfinder disaster, but luckily Severed Ways stays away from the sappy melodrama.
After a bloody battle with the 'Skraelings' (natives) on the shores of the New World two warriors are left behind by their expedition. With no hope of their comrades ever coming back the two begin their journey home on foot. To Norway. From America. Yeah, they were an ambitious bunch... Not too bright either...
Why Vikings don’t travel alone: stuck in his tunics
The film then follows them as they try to survive by themselves and sort out their stormy relationship without using unnecessary words. Along their journey they encounter some monks, get stalked by natives, cut down some trees, burn some churches, cut down more trees, split their ways, experiment with religion, experience a hilarious twist to the ‘Viking rape’ stereotype, reunite, die and then cut down even more trees.
Viking stalking 101. You go girl!! \^o^/
Sorry for spoiling, but the story isn’t as relevant as the way it is told. It’s sort of like Blair Witch Project goes Norse. The shaky hand-held camera observes the Vikings in the way wildlife photographers observe animals. There’s nothing there from Hollywood conventions: the pacing is way off, the focus goes to details which no normal film would show, the existence of the script is barely visible, there is no epic action. Yet this film feels more epic then anything I ever saw. It makes you almost believe you’re watching the real thing!
trailer actually gives a good idea of what to expect. It’s utterly hypnotizing.
Unfortunately the film was also /too/ real at times and I just can’t overlook a pair of scenes which shocked me in a very negative way and fangirl over how great the rest of it was freely. Otherwise I’d recommend it to all of you. Actually I still do recommend it, but watch it only if you’re prepared to see some things you really didn’t want to. This goes especially to the vegetarians, because I think you meat eaters /should/ see it even if you don’t want to. It actually leaves a nice place for discussion about modern sensibilities and morality of film making. That is if I had anyone to discuss it with v_v