the saddest place i don't know

Apr 15, 2005 01:39

i'm sitting in the dark on a stool
staring into a corner i think must be a
space but i can't see... i'm hungry and
my arms are aching because the stool is
tilting and i can't see where the corner
ends and the whispers begin_
when i see light it will blind me and i
can already see everything i want to...
everything i want... i can see everything
i want to, i can dream and i can sit and
stare but the light won't come and it
will never come because i keep it away
and they abuse me with their light_
but i have this stool and the corner as my friends
but they don't talk back and my arms are hurting me
and pulling me down
but i don't know what's down there so i
won't go down... i won't go down... i
can't go down... i need the corner, i
can't have the light, i need to see me,
to feel me, but my arms are pulling me
down and i want to stay up...
the darkness is my friend when before it was
an enemy and the whispers are attached to
my belt and they tag along behind me when
i sit on the stool spinning in circles
looking away from the light that i can't
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