Oct 28, 2011 00:12
There's a serious sense of permanence here on LJ that you don't get on other sites. I really miss it here, I miss the crazy posts and comment parties, I miss how if I wasn't online for a weekend because of a con I was behind on so many posts, I miss how we'd all freak the fuck out when LJ was down for what ever reason, I miss making a mass number of 100x100 icons just for the hell of it, I miss being able to type out long updates like this (yes, this is long compared to a stupid status update or 140 character limit lol), and I miss how I could LOOK BACK on all of my posts. Unlike any other 'networking' site I feel LJ had something special that I haven't really found any place else or connected with anything else like it.
I look back on this site as I would my childhood. It's kinda sad that kids these days will look back on facebook, twitter or tumblr 10 years from now and say something similar. But it won't be the same. They never had this, I don't think they ever will.