Stolen from Atma!
Say 25 random facts about yourself and tag 5 people to do the same.
1. I actually don't like to brush my hair. It's doesn't curl if I do :/ So I just kinda mess with it until I like how it looks an then run.
2. and I wear a hat half the time anyway so it's not like it matters much XD
3. I have four piercings in my ears and yes I do plan to get more.
4. I'm a light tech. Or at least I was as of a year and a half ago. But because I seem to act like most people do at the end of a school year and mentally dump info I haven't used in a while I probably couldn't program a board if I tried.
5. I'm terrified of needles. and heights. I find this entertaining when looked at with the previous two statements.
6. If I don't know the lyrics to a song I sing anyway...I just get slightly quieter until I'm absolutely sure what the words are XD
7. I spend more money on coffee, comics, and RP accounts then I do on any other thing. Even clothes. I have enough clothing and I live at home, so that is entirely where my money goes.
8. I do not in fact know the English lyrics to Passion theme. However, I can sing the Japanese lyrics without thinking about it.
9. I cosplayed Yuffie Kisaragi before I had ever done anything but watched advent children and played half the first kh and all of the second.
10. I still have never finished most of the PS2 video games I own. Only ones I have ever actually FINISHED are Dirge of Cerberus and KH2. YEP. And my favorite is actually Star Ocean3. Not FFVII like you'd guess. That guy (yes guy) in my icon is actually my favorite character from a video game.
11. I still have Steph's copies of FFVIII and FFVII.....I'm stuck in both. I also have Magna Carta, but she doesn't exactly care about that one.
12. Up until a year ago I had never seen Moulin Rouge all the way through, even though I knew the full soundtrack. This is the first time I have admitted that XD
13. I would have been shanked in my drama deparment if I had.
14. I have been writing my own novel since I was about ten.....The problem? I keep getting bored and making a new story. Or hating my plot. Or the characters. This is eight years of perpetually scrapping ideas. XD
15.I sometimes people watch just to see how long it takes for other people to notice I'm watching everyone.
16. Half the time I have my headphones in just so I can pretend like I don't hear people.
17. However, I am glued to my ipod :/
18. The only time I have ever been "high" was medicated to get my wisdom teeth out. They put me on something the night before so I wouldn't stress because I have anxiety issues....and apparently I was the funniest fucking thing my parents or sisters have ever seen in their entire lives and I wish I knew what I'd said to make them think so....
20. Because of constant badgering of my best friend/sorta sister person when I make an error between your and you're I get an actual almost physical twitch....I also feel insanely stupid when I forget XDDDD I can't spell very well in the first place and make constant errors...but that one makes me twitch seeing it later.
21.I can fit in a gym locker, we tested this theory to see who in my gym class could fit. There were four of us.
22. That is also the only time I have ever been clastrophobic. My firend locked the door as a joke and I nearly had a full on panic attack. She still feels bad about that one XD
23.Unless I do something exactly when I am motivated to I forget and never get it done. This includes basic things like eating and sleeping. XD
24. I go between being an insomiac and sleeping more then I should.
25. I write on everything with sharpie. Including the top of my laptop and my shoes.