Twenty feet. Twenty bloody feet on dementors. This all had better be worth it. All this nonsense that was happening? Yes, I missed out on the lot of it. Why? I was writing a bloody 20 foot essay on dementors.
I wrote 20 feet on dementors because you said it was due today. You will take this essay and I will get a grade for it because you insisted it was required and that we did not have what it takes for the job if we did not write this essay.
Hey, hey now. It's not Friday yet and I never said you wouldn't get compensation for it. Don't start writing really boldly and getting sassy with me. I can still give you zilch for it. I wouldn't be the first teacher to do some asinine thing like that.
.... I am not being sassy, Professor. I am simply a bit flummoxed. My housemates have been behaving rather strangely. I woke this morning to find one of them screaming about balance. Another is refusing to get out of bed. I assume it's due to the incidents of the past few days. Incidents that I missed because I was in the library writing a 20 foot essay.
You are correct - being an Auror is not my chosen career path, but I feel that the training will help me infinitely as an Unspeakable. I have set out to complete this class with the highest grade and I will do so.
Balance...? That sounds like Kid, but he's a Ravenclaw. There's more than one OCD child here? I hope they never meet. Well, I can't say they were that interesting unless you wanted to laugh at our pathetic plights.
Hmmm... good to know you take it seriously. Next time, however, don't trust me when I talk about papers more than 10 feet long unless you did something unspeakably horrible.
.... I think I need to get some rest. Perhaps it was because I read his journal or... I am unsure of this. I swore.... Perhaps it was one of the castle's jokes. And no, not particularly.
I always take my work seriously. However, I will keep this in mind next time.
((lawls whoops, somehow I forgot Kid wasn't a Slythie? I think it's the evil looks and the blood that scream Slythie to me all the frickin' time with him, lawls.))
Yeeaah... about that essay...
Besides. You didn't want to be an Auror anyway.
You are correct - being an Auror is not my chosen career path, but I feel that the training will help me infinitely as an Unspeakable. I have set out to complete this class with the highest grade and I will do so.
Hmmm... good to know you take it seriously. Next time, however, don't trust me when I talk about papers more than 10 feet long unless you did something unspeakably horrible.
[[Strike unhackable]]
I always take my work seriously. However, I will keep this in mind next time.
((lawls whoops, somehow I forgot Kid wasn't a Slythie? I think it's the evil looks and the blood that scream Slythie to me all the frickin' time with him, lawls.))
[[Probably! XD And his desire to 'fix the world'. =D Forcibly if he has to.]]
((lawls yeah that's probably it. :3 Or that he's friends [kind of] with Youji? Then again, he's not very Slythie most of the time. ^^;))
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