Nov 05, 2008 22:27
The elections are over and we have a new president with a really dark tan.
I didn't pay attention much to the elections until election night when they were already airing documentaries of the presidents and really neither party was bad or good. They both made good and bad choices.
My main focus was on Proposition 8 and the need for it NOT to pass. Though it had, leaving me absolutely crushed and frustrated to the point where I had the choice to grab a stupid little girl by the hair and slam her face into her desk repeatedly, or cry. I choice the later.
It really does blow my mind how more than half of an entire state would tell you that your right to be married to the same sex is not constitutional. It is the reason that the Supreme Court had aloud it, because there was nothing in the constitution to ban gay rights.
But we hopefully have the ability to change this, because the issue is so large and affects such a minority. There is a 24-48 hours (starting today at 3:30pm) to go before we are finished with the rest of the votes.
Mormons should no make today a holiday because prop 8 passed.
We'll see what happens in the next few days. I could rant and give you more reasons on why i think prop 8 is wrong, but it is late.
Goodnight, loves.