First Asteroid Hits The Moon

Aug 05, 2009 16:00

While hugging to sleep last night. My BF suddenly pops up the question,"How long have we been together?" For a moment, my heartache so much that I don't really know what my surname was. When I asked why, he replied nothing. I don't know what he has in mind. He never spoke his mind out. I always felt he's hidding something from me. Then today, after he drove me to the LRT station, he sent me an sms. Asking if I'm ok. Because I look kinda sad, or still sleepy. I didn't reply. Because I know I'm a bit moody when I don't get enough sleep.

Later today he pops up in MSN. I ask if he has visit the doctor yet. Yes, my BF is not well these few days. Our conversation in MSn goes down as below:-

Me: You song la~
Me: dear dear cannot anal you until then >.<
BF: Last time the medicine only one week ma. Then can already
BF: .... You sound like i dont like make love v u.... Sorry o...
Me: haha
Me: but what to do... boy boy always no mood coz too tired ^^
BF: ... Dear dear get someone else lo ...
Me: boy boy dun wan me?
BF: No ar.
Me: then dun tell me to get someone else la... *cry*

The one highlighted in bold nearly shattered my fragile heart into gazillion pieces. Then the song played gave me some meanings. Sharing it with you all here are the lyrics. Hope those can understand.

軟硬天師 - 愛式

瀟瀟灑灑 不是愛嗎? 生生死死 先算愛嗎?
瘋瘋顛顛先毽得漂亮嗎? 簡簡單單 不是愛嗎?
輾輾轉轉 先算愛嗎? 反反覆覆先毽R得快樂嗎?

你話拖住你手 日日戊簳陀
同人結婚 講一句我願意
記得我生日 時時送禮物

開開心心 不是愛嗎?
辛辛苦苦 不算愛嗎?
飄飄忽忽 不似愛嗎?
清清楚楚 可算愛嗎?

就算我唔識你 或者你太遲黎
我一個人睇戲 尋晚你同巨擒被
我已經記唔起 我十年無見你
你著巨件衫 晚晚都甘夜番
任你點樣玩 有幾個比你揀
你從來無講過 可能我睇錯
但系甘 系咪等於你唔愛我
你猜我估 你勝你敗
男界女界 正常系變態
其實我值唔值 到底你識唔識
系真定系扮 系軟定硬
系蝕定系賺 系濃定淡
白撞黑紅加綠 抑或藍溝藍

瀟瀟灑灑 不是愛嗎? 生生死死 先算愛嗎?
瘋瘋顛顛先毽R得漂亮嗎? 簡簡單單 不是愛嗎?
輾輾轉轉 先算愛嗎? 反反覆覆先毽得快樂嗎?

我俾你上 你又為我落
你俾我前 又俾我後
我做完就訓 你訓醒就走
但系甘 系咪等於你愛我愛你
你話唔俾我住 巨肯俾我食
我要你唔肯 巨系我唔得
你唔要得唔得 但系巨系咪等於你愛我愛你

瀟瀟灑灑 不是愛嗎? 生生死死 先算愛嗎?
瘋瘋顛顛先毽得漂亮嗎? 簡簡單單 不是愛嗎?
輾輾轉轉 先算愛嗎? 反反覆覆先毽R得快樂嗎?

其實 青青春春 干乾濕濕 深深淺淺 咿咿挹挹
斜紋代表大方 圓點代表爽朗 體貼代表超薄
碎花代表乾爽 粉紅真皮燙金凹凸紋
防水樽領盒裝 直銷十二碼通用
數碼的確涼 乾濕兩用

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