What a day + Avatar Finale

Jul 21, 2008 22:32

My day in point form:

- applied to more jobs
- Chauffered Drove around with my dad all day, running errands.
- Bought laminate flooring. That shit is heavy. My back hates me.
- My parents guilted me into eating meat, so I am now officially no longer a vegetarian. My stomach hurts too. Add that to the pain in my back, and now my whole body hates me. LULZ.
- Came home, and watched the final 6 Avatar episodes. Which I will now review. Beware, I'm very cranky right now. This will not be pretty.

What the fuck was that? I am sorely disappointed. I'm also ridiculously exhausted, and therefore will continue the point form format into the ranting portion of today's show, complete with only minimal coherency.


- Gorgeous animation
- Kick ass fight sequences that pretty much broke my brain
- Did I mention the epic fight sequences? Kay, just checking.


- They basically rushed the storyline into six episodes and then said THE END. I am not impressed. They could have *easily* gotten another season out of it, there were *so* many plot points that could've been explored in depth.
- Uncle Iroh. What? After the immense amount of set-up when he was a prisoner, and then his epic release, can someone please tell me what he ended up doing? Burning down a fire nation flag? Really? Really? What the hell, how fucking lame was that. He didn't even rip off his shirt to expose his epic!abs. Lame.
- Princess Azula. What? Cool, calculating, capable Azula? When did she go crazy? Was it because Ty Lee and Mai betrayed her? That's a (relatively) feasible reason, I suppose. Y'know, if they fucking explored it and showed the gradual descent into madness on screen. But, you see, that would require them to have made a few more episodes. We couldn't have that, could we?
- Character development in general. Two and a half seasons of it were thrown into the fire. (no pun intended)
- Zutara/Kataang. Just... ugh. I'm a Zutara shipper, but even I could see that she was going to pick Aang. Come on. It's Nick. And of course Mai was still alive. Of course they were going to force Zuko and Mai to continue their so called farce of a relationship. A relationship that had no chemistry what-so-ever. Not to mention that Katara and Aang really have no chemistry, either. But whatever, I honestly don't care enough to argue the point further. Canon has spoken, who am I to say otherwise?
- (I lied, I'm totally continuing it) See, if we were to examine their character arcs, we'd see that for at least most of this last season, since the end of season two, Katara and Zuko's story arcs had been coming closer and closer together; they actually had some real *chemistry* happening. But fux, we've only got 6 eps left. Gaiz. Let's just make Aang and Katara lub each odder and kiss, it's faster. But fux, we've got that problem about Zuko totally macking on Katara. Shit gaiz. Okay, here's what we do. Let's bring back the soulless gargoyle Mai. That works. KAY, AND PRINT.

See, all these problems could have been fixed had they continued with another season. Beyond the fact that it's rather logical to have a fourth book, with the final element, there's also the fun part of developing the narrative naturally. We could have seen Katara reach her realization of love for Aang, rather than it just kind of happening anyway. We could have seen Iroh kick ass, instead of easily being the lamest member of the White Lotus society, and losing the spot for "Most Kick Ass Old Person Evar" to King Boomi. Wth. We could have seen Azula slowly, and deliciously descend into madness and it could have been believable and poignant and wonderful, instead of altogether pitiful. Also, what happened to Ty Lee? Oh, she's a Kyoshi Warrior now? Okay, why not. I mean, we can't get any more ludicrous.


This show was easily one of the best things I'd ever witnessed in my life. It was a shining example of wonderful, believable characters, and a storyline that had both depth and imagination. And what did it become in the end? Just another kid's show. Ugh. I'm going to bed.


I forgot to mention. I loved Southern Raiders and Ember Island Players. Homicidal Katara and spoof series recap? Yes plz.

"Why did you have to steal that waterbending scroll, Katara?"
"Because it gave me so much hope!"


[/end edit]


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