The Spam-me Post

Nov 20, 2011 01:09

At this moment there are 6.470.818.671 people in the world; some are running scared, some are coming home, some tell lies to make it through the day, others are just not facing the truth, some are evil men at war with good, and some are good struggling with evil, six billion people in the world, six billion souls.
And sometimes, all you need is one.

✖ Hello. This is your post. Tell me something. Anything.
✖ Spam, confess, question - give me your favourite quote, ctrl+v with anything inspirational, tell me what made you smile today, or pour out all that you've been wishing to say but can't. Talk about LJ and how it makes you feel, squee about fandom, vent about life.
✖ Anonymous or not, comment with something if you wish, as many times as you want.

✖ Bonjour. Ceci est votre post. Dites moi quelque chose. N'importe quoi.
✖ Spammez, confessez-vous, posez des questions - donnez-moi votre citation favorite, copiez-collez des choses qui vous inspirent, dites-moi ce qui vous a fait sourire aujourd'hui, ou bien dites tout ce que vous n'avez pas pu exprimer. Parlez de LJ et de comment vous vous sentez, criez votre amour pour vos fandoms, soupirez sur la vie.
✖ Anonymes ou non, commentez avec ce que vous voulez, autant de fois que vous le voudrez.

-snagged to simply_strange

!:blabla, !:spampost, [web] lj

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