Feb 04, 2003 00:57
.my weekend in retrospect.
friday: codeseven, one line drawing and coheed @birchHill with anna, josh, kyle, tamara and mike. good times were definitely had. I fucking loved codeseven. It was the first time I saw them and I was quite impressed. They had great stage presence and the singer is my new found lust object. mmm... ;)
Jonah (onelinedrawing) is a fucking awesome guy. I told him he was my new favorite person ever. He is! Josh better burn me the cd.
And Coheed rocked as well.
saturday: my cousin Emma's 6th birthday party in brick. I played with barbies with the kids and hung out with their cat spooky for a while. then! outsmarting simon @Zen house in new brunswick with the dyllinator. They were fucking fantab. after the show we hung out around rutgers with bill, kevin and dave. We went to the fat trucks and I got a fat veggie indian. I felt nauseus the entire ride home. eee.
sunday: mulletfest at some vfw in nuttley with Anna, ash, justin, sara and reubin. Justin was playing bass for laura palmer. aside from all the pretentiousness, the show was alright.
Bra shopping with anna and ashole.
movies with the stupid dildo fucker.
used and finch @irving plaza with ash, steve and ??
It feels good to actually have shit to do. although I do enjoy laying in bed until 4:00 pm with a good book, a pack of cigarettes, a cup of coffee and nothing else to do. maybe i'll take friday off from the world.