Feb 07, 2007 19:04
So the plummer finally showed up this am. But only after I called the Rentalsman and the Public Health Inspector and sent threatening letters. So the leak is fixed. there were holes in the pipe. and they have cut away all the wet drywall (or a good lot of it anyway) and sprayed horrible mold killer all over what's left. (it really really stinks in here) so most of the ceiling is out and much of the north wall. omg. anyway after a lot of arguing I have got out of giving notice and I am supposed to vacate by the 28th. (I just can't live with any threat of mold with my respiratory problemos)of course I have no place to go. omg. So my job is to chant (pray) for a new place and my sisters job is to find one for me. my goal is to have a new address by February 14th. this is curious because it's funny how major things often happen on February 14th in my life. never (unfortunately) anything to do with romance, but stuff like getting a big unexpected cheque or moving or getting a new job, that kind of thing. Anyway any prayers anybody wants to send my way would be much appreciated. I'm a little overexcited as you can imagine. I don't imagine I'm going to get much sleep anytime soon. In the landlords defense he did step up after I lit a fire under his ass and actually said I was a good tenent and he was sorry to see me go. like whoa!
Anyway I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with eljay. I think about you all and I don't want to jeopordize my flist in any way. So if I'm not on for chunks of time please bear with me. ta