My Green Fingers report

Mar 01, 2009 17:26

Please note that I only watched this 1 time, so I may not remember correctly, and of course I can't recall everything. I haven't even watched the original movie. I will skip most of the trivial part in the story, but I'll try to explain some details to some important scenes. If there are lots of mistakes, I am very sorry.

Also, I was always focused my sight on dear Aiba, so I sometimes missed a lot of things that was said by the other casts xDDD


It's a 360 degrees rotating stage. So everytime the set changes, the stage will rotate to another room/set.

1. Colin and Fergus room
2. The office of the head of the prison
3. The prison's cafetaria
4. The prison's yard
5. Georgina's garden

In the middle of the rotating stage, there's a tall tree. The tree sometimes can be seen through the back window of the cafetaria or the office. From the yard, if I correctly remember, it was surrounded by fence.


The music is live (I heard that live music for stageplay is quite special). There are three players. The three are located right around the center tree.

1. Beatboxer
2. Cello player
3. Guitar player

The guitar are mostly played acousticly, but during tense moments it will changed to the electric one. The beatboxer is like... super awesome. And the arrangement of the music played by these 3 people is just amazing.


I think if you really want to know the story, better watch the original movie "Green Fingers" (though I haven't watched it because I didn't want spoilers before watching the stageplay).

The setting is a open-type prison in England, surrounded neither by wall nor metal wire. Aiba-chan's role is Colin, a murderer.

The first scene was at the prison's office. There was the director and the guard. Then 4 prisoners were called in. The last one to go in was Aiba-chan. It was just trivial things that being said in the dialogue (like names, the crime, etc), so I won't describe further. Aiba's role is aloof, unsociable, like someone who simply doesn't care about the world, and kinda rough/rude with whisky voice. Speaking about whisky voice, he only spoke one line in this scene, I think. Telling the director when the director read his full name: "It's fine with just 'Colin'!" with a not-so-polite nuance.

(A bit Aiba fangirling) AIBA-CHAN LOOKS HOT!!! His hair is short, but it's different from the usual styling. It's like, the side is being made shorter-look and not flowy... It's more or less like his shoot in FraU? Just a bit more natural than that.
However, he seems a bit more skinny than usual :( He wears prisoner clothes, of course. A plain white t-shirt, with a khaki shirt over it, and a matching khaki pants. Behind the neck of his t-shirt, I can see a glimpse of silver necklace (sorry for this random thing, I love it when they wear necklace <3).
I think, to suit his role, the make-up was made very sharp. It's like... his face' features looked sharper than normal. Like, probably eyeline, and such. In general, he looks rougher. Maybe sort of sharp-looking like Matsujun? xD Even his way of standing also similar to Matsujun. You know, like... putting weight to one of the feet and standing like he doesn't care about anything. Anyway, it's still hot seeing him like this xD So fresh to me.

The next scene was at the bedroom. Basically it's the first time Colin met his roommate, Fergus. Aiba's bed is on the left side (from audience' perspective) and Fergus's bed is on the right side. On the wall near Fergus bed, it was full of posters/pictures of nature (I think) and various things, like ruins (I think). And near the pillow side of his bed, there's a rack full of potted plants.

Basically Colin was being so not-care like usual, and Fergus was being very friendly to him and talk like 95% of the whole dialogue xDDD The only thing I remember from Aiba's line was "It's better to be alone."

Fergus' appearance is similar to the movie. Overall rugged jeans, and the hat :)

The next scene was at the cafetaria. There were a lot of other prisoners. I think Holly was there too (Holly is a woman who works there as volunteer). Then Fergus came in. Then the last one was Colin. Colin (as usual, so un-carely) just pick his tray and food, that already makes other prisoner pick a fight at him because he came first (no physical, don't worry. Yet xD). Aiba pick an empty table, but as usual Fergus was being over-friendly and sit at the same table and keep speaking. Starting from introducing the other prisoners (I forgot most of their names, but please note Jimmy, Tony and Raw because they will be Colin's first mates in gardening), and he kept talking and talking. Colin never speak any word, but in the end he lost patience and said "Can you please let me eat quietly?!?!", and the scene ends there xDDDD

Hm... after this, I forgot what was it xDDD (Sorry). Well I think there were supposed to be other scenes, but I don't really remember. Something like... Jimmy-Tony-Raw playing soccer at the yard, and there were other prisoners too. Like Roger and his gang, which are basically like the "bad guys" who likes to pick fights. There was also Holly, and Tony is totally pursuing her xD Flirting, adoring her and such. There was also a prisoner which maybe even worsely uncare compared to Colin xD I think his name was Hirtz or something. Aiba passed the yard, stood with his back the yard, and taking out cigarettes, said something to Hirtz, but being ignored (Hirtz left), and being laughed at by the others.

I think there was also a scene where Colin was called to the office, because each prisoner has to be responsible to a certain kind of job, like cleaning or such. Colin was being so uncared like usual, "I don't care whatever job it is" and such.

Also, Fergus seems to get sick so often. One scene, Colin got in to his room but Fergus wasn't there. Being idle, he's pouring water over Fergus' potted plants, also read one of the laying books there. Then a nurse came in, searching for something, which happens to be the book Colin reads. Colin was sort of like... hesitantly asking the nurse about Fergus' condition. The nurse said that it's a usual thing, sometimes Fergus have to check in to the hospital. Colin seemed worried but he still tried to be cool and ignorant xDDDD So the nurse was like "Oh, you miss him?", Colin was like "no way!" and such xD The nurse even offered "do you want to visit him? I'll take you there" and Colin tried to be ignorantly saying "No need" again xDDDD

I think the next time Fergus came back and met Colin, Fergus also teased Colin like "You must have missed me" and Colin totally snapped "no way!!!!" xD Fergus also thanked Colin for pouring water to his potted plants, where Colin lowly answered "That's not a big deal. I was just pouring water". But Fergus said "That is very important".

Whatever it is, I can feel that bit by bit Colin is more open to Fergus, and starting to show more emotion.

There was also a scene where Fergus told Colin of why he got into jail (killing his wife or something? Sorry, I was focused in Aiba lying on the bed xDDDD). I think Fergus has asked Colin several times of why Colin got into jail, and also whether his family will come to visit or not, but Colin never answers.

The next one I remembered as untrivial was a Christmas party at the cafetaria (the cafetaria was decorated with christmas stuff). Colin is still his usual self xD The important part was, Fergus gave him a box of flower seed as Christmas present. Of course Colin was like "what the heck is this. I don't need such thing" and such and such, but Fergus forced it to him.

The next scene was at the yard. It was dark (nighttime). Aiba went to stand with his back on the wall again, and took out his cigarettes. When he was going to take out the lighter, he took out the box of flower seed instead. Got annoyed, he threw out the contents of the seed to the ground, and stepping on it furiously over and over, mumbling something like "see if it would grow with this!!!!".

The season seems to have changed. It's bright, and there were Tony and Holly being lovey dovey. Tony put on a violet-colored flower above Holly's ear. Fergus came to the stage, and praise that it's beautiful. Tony and Holly left the stage. Colin came in. Fergus said something like... Tony gave violet flower to Holly, so he wondered where he got it. The flower must have grown somewhere at the yard. Moreover, the flower seed that he gave for christmas present was violet seed. Meanwhile, Colin was being like "huh? What Christmas present?" xD After Fergus reminded him and asked about the seed, Colin answered "I threw it out". However, Fergus kept pressing him for the location where he threw it out, and he even made Colin searched it with him. They looked over the bushes at the yard, and finally at the corner bushes, Fergus found the group of violet flowers amongst it. Colin got surprised, like "NO WAY IT GREW!". He looked at it in awe, touching it gently (a bit fangirling: cheers for Aiba's acting here *flails*. I think this is the first time Colin ever showed such deep care and emotion?), and Fergus told him that it's even more special kind, called double violet. Then... there was a soccer ball flew in and other prisoner coming to get it (I think it was Jimmy or Raw), and Colin got mad at him, because he doesn't want the flowers got ruined. Of course the other guy was like "what?" and doesn't take it seriously, but Colin kept being emotional, saying things like "IT'S A VIOLET. MOREOVER, IT'S DOUBLE VIOLET" xDDDDD Then they started to grab each other, and the other 2 guys (Tony and one other) tried to separate them, but in less than 5 seconds Roger and the gang butted in and eventhough Tony&friends tried to manage things, they totally bullied them and Colin. While Colin and the three got into physical fight with Roger and the gang, one of the bad guys tried to step on the flower. Fergus put his body over it to protect them, but the bad guy got him and starting to ruin it when there's a sound of whistle and the guard came to overlook the situation. The director also came in. Roger gang ranaway in less than 0,1 seconds, while the other guy blamed Colin for the matter. Colin explained about the newly-grew flowers and things, and the director seems ok at the end. Starting here, the director decided that one of the "job" will be gardening, and Colin with the other three had to be responsible for it. Also Fergus, I think.

Other than Colin and Fergus, the guys' reaction was like unbelievable with the new situation, and look down at gardening. I think the next scene was at the cafetaria, where the three guys were protesting that gardening is not manly and such, while Aiba diligently reading various gardening book at the corner. At first the three guys seems to have decided to not doing it and left the room. Then Holly came in, and Aiba purposely asked her "do you think gardening is not manly?". Holly answered that it's not the case at all, gardening is good bla bla bla and then Tony totally came in (and flails at Holly like usual) and suddenly okay with doing gardening xD As well as the other 2...

So the gardening thing started at the yard. Colin was veryyyyy energetic and spiritful about this, constantly consulting to Fergus about designs, good locations to plant the seeds, and everything. The other three of course have their own opinions too, so they argued and such (as usual, there's whistles and the guard came to stop them xD). But after some talks (*inserts lots of scenes here*), they sort of compromised that Colin will lead the team. So, the gardening started, and it looks so fun. Colin looks like he's enjoying himself too.

OK, here I must say that I forgot the order of things, I'm sorry. There were some important/interesting scenes that happened, so please forgive me for mentioning things randomly from hereupon.

One, when Aiba and the gang were going to start the gardening, they all bring shovel and did a simple 10-seconds dancing with the shovel. Like a dancing with stick... ahhh it's hard to describe T_T (a bit fangirling: AIBA IS HOT xD). Throughout the drama, I think there are around 3 minor dancing scenes (in which Aiba looks HOT), like about 5 to 15 seconds each. Btw, Colin already looks much happier and very enthusiastic, very different from the first impression.

There was also a scene featuring Tony and Holly... and Holly was pregnant, and worried about many things, but Tony promised that he'll take care of things and such.

Fergus got sick a lot, sometimes even riding wheelchair, oftenly cannot participate in the gardening, sometimes have to stay on his bed... (I must say, I'm totally pulled in by his acting.)

There was one scene I truly remember. It was at the cafetaria where Colin, Fergus, the other three gardening buddies were gathered. Colin and the buddies were having conversation about gardening, I think. Fergus looked very weak. When he was going to smoke, Colin was like... taking the smoke and said "stop it" (やめてよ) in a very very soft voice <3333333333 Jimmy or Tony was talking so that can be barely heard, but since I always focused to Aiba, I caught that 4-seconds scene and was like KJBSAJKBSKAHBSHJASSALK. So sweet of Colin <3333

So the scene that make the story progressed is when one day Georgina comes. She is like... a famous person related to gardening. She looks rich, from her clothes and her way of walking and speaking. Btw, she is one of the "comedy" factor in this stageplay, her way of talking is like... old women in classic movies which is like... too feminine? xD She even wore the kind of big hat. But she made me laugh too sometimes. She also brings her daughter Primrose, which is more "normal" xD

Georgina got interested in the garden they created (the yard has been filled with plants now). Eventhough she got shocked and such because those prisoners are murderers, Primrose and also the director of the prison always comforting her and such.

So it got settled that Colin and the gang will work on Georgina's garden. While working on her garden, Primrose and Colin talks together a lot. Colin even let Primrose helped the gardening in which Primrose answered "But I'll just be a hindrance to you" but Colin said it's ok, so they were doing things together (while Tony and one other [Jimmy/Raw, forgot which one] were in the background doing something to the tree while kinda sneaky xD So cute. Then they had a nap on the garden xDDDD Suddenly Georgina came and snapped "ohh, a nap?" in which those two immediately gets up xDDDD).

Then, after Georgina's garden becomes awesome, come a news about how Colin and the gang can participate in a gardening contest. They were very happy.

However, amongst those happy moments, a police came, saying that there has been a crime around, and that the villain is certainly one of the gardening team in that prison. The director of the prison got cornered, then Colin and the gang got called. Everyone pointed Tony as being the guilty one, because he seems to be the one who needs money the most, in which Tony desperately ask each of them for trust "You know right. It's not me, it's not me", but no one stands by him. Even Colin, who doesn't say anything and left the room. So, the end is sort of... no more Tony. no more contest.

Ah... I forgot again what was after this...

I think, because Colin was so remarkable in gardening, with the help of Georgina, he got approved to get out of the prison. I remembered how Fergus telling him to leave anyway, though he seems sad to have lost his roommate (Fergus was very sick, on a wheelchair, I think).

Also, I forgot whether this scene is around this time, but this is quite important. Near the foot of Fergus' bed, there was always a painting of a garden. One day Colin asked him what is it, and Fergus answered that it's "wild flower" (I think? Basically the "wild" theme is very important for the future's story) and telling Colin all about it.

So Colin already got out of jail, and there's this scene with him and Primrose at Georgina's garden. Primrose asked him whether he's already got used with the new life. Primrose also persuaded him to tell their real relationship to her mother Georgina. When Georgina came and Primrose was about to tell her about their relationship, suddenly there was a call came for Colin from his buddy at the jail, and Colin totally left immediately, which makes Primrose kinda upset. Without Primrose explaining anything to Georgina, Georgina already knows her daughter's feeling. She asked what crime did Colin commit that he got sent to jail, and Primrose answered murder, and Georgina totally "kyaaaaaaaaa" xDDDDD In summary, Georgina telling Primrose how Colin is not suited. (I mean... they are rich folks).

Basically, the call was about how the prison's gardening team had a chance to join the contest again for that year (which they failed to participate the previous year). I think it was Jimmy and Raw on the other side of the phone. One of them said to Colin, "but it's no good without you". And jokingly, one of them told Colin to commit a crime so he can be sent to jail to help them (very funny, everyone laughed).

Which Colin actually did.... xD I think Colin broke a window of a flower shop and steal a flower (which becomes a running joke throughout the stageplay). So Colin got sent to the same prison again.

However, poor Primrose. Colin left her with a bouquet of yellow rose (I think this is the flower he stole from the flower shop xD). So Colin sort of choosing his dream of gardening rather than her.

Colin got back to prison, and even the director also the guard were waiting enthusiastically (I think everyone loves Colin at this point xD Oh, except the bad guys; Roger and the gang I guess). Jimmy, Raw totally hugging him. And the tightest hug was with Fergus, of course. The garden in the yard looks awesome, which Colin praised. And when Colin's not there, it seems that they have gained more partners to help gardening, even the super quiet and ignorant Hirtz (I think by this point, only Roger and the gang who are not at Colin's side).

Then came this guy, who is suppose to be their promotor or their leader for the contest or something. A very annoying guy to me. He brings his own plan/design of garden. It was like... everything were made by rock mostly, so it's not so natural. (well, there was an stone arch too, and strawberries are suppose to grow circling the arch xDDD). He's saying things like it's today's style and era, whatever. Basically Colin and the guys were very upset. Colin was like "I came here so that I can compete making the wild flower plan that Fergus designed" and such.

At that night, Colin came to his room with upset air. Fergus was lying on his bed, very sick, he even said that he doesn't have much time. But Colin was being very sweet "don't say such things". He sat beside his bed... (fangirling commercial: NKJSNKJSNAJKKAS Aibaaaa~~~). It was a touching scene.

And what was most important from this scene, is that Fergus asked again, about Colin's past. Why he got into jail. Colin was quiet, and... "you will listen to me?". And eventhough Fergus was totally sick, he was spiritedly, "of course!" (I love this old man's acting!). Hmm... I feel very sad recalling this all, because this is maybe the most emotional scene throughout the stageplay, which I can really describe very well, of how Fergus on his bed diligently listening to each of Colin's word... how Colin trying to tell him the story with emotions in each of the words coming out of his mouth, while walking aimlessly round the room... it was... hard to describe. So basically here we know why Colin's family never visit him (I think people who saw the movie might know better than myself). He saw his girlfriend with another man on the bed, and he killed that man, which turned out to be his own little brother. That's why his mom and dad lost both sons on the same day. After telling all this, Colin was crying very hard, got into his knees, even until his head on the floor crying aloud. Fergus, sickly, got out from under the blanket, got down to the floor near Colin and hug him, so Colin cried on his arm.

Then suddenly someone got in, shouting that there's a fire! Colin immediately got up and run leaving the room. Fergus, alone at the floor, shouting "BURNNNNN".

The scene at the yard showed the three buddies (Jimmy, Raw... and who was it) looking sadly at the fire... how their garden also got burned. (Colin isn't here throughout the scene) They were wondering who did this... probably Roger and the gang, or whoever. Then, someone came bearing the news that Fergus has passed away. Everyone got sad. Even Roger and the gang came to the scene, looking grieved. Roger and Fergus were best friends.

All of them visited Colin&Fergus room. Colin was there, doing something to the potted plants. Fergus' bed was already clean, even without any sheet. Basically, all of the guys were talking about gardening and the contest, however Colin said "I'm quitting". Fergus is not there anymore so Colin's going to quit. (another emotional scene that I just fail to describe, yes). However, all of the guys there totally support Colin to keep doing gardening. Colin shouted and everything. I think at the end, it was Roger asking him "What would Fergus say to you at this kind of time?". And Colin, hesitantly said that he would tell him to go for the dream. So since this point, Colin gained his spirit back, and he decided to make the "wild flower" design come true. He said like "I will make it. But what I don't have, are partners!", and then the others were all "We are here" (even Roger and the gang), and they all high-fived and such, running out of the room with high spirit.

Here, the whole set changes. Basically for the revolving set, there were walls bordering every rooms, right. Here they took them all, so the whole stage is bare and visible, except for the high tree at the center also the musicians around it. All the prisoners come to the stage one after another, bringing various kinds of plants, trees. There were even bushes that was shaped like a pig xD. There were a lot of people (but I focused on dear Aiba of course xD). Basically everyone was doing the gardening with spirit.

The garden was done fantastically. Everything was green and full of plants at the front side. On the right side, there was a kind of motorcycle. On the left side, diagonally front of the high tree, there was a figure that looked like Fergus sitting (with the usual hat and overall rugged jeans). Behind the high tree, there was a kind of small stone bridge.

Colin came to the garden, walking to the Fergus figure saying "This garden is not complete without you". He took of fake-Fergus' hat, and it turns out to be a kind of storage filled with fertilizers xDDD So Colin took some fertilizers off fake-Fergus' head, and spread it over the garden.

Hmm... here I forgot the order of things again, so I may be mistakenly remember things.

Next scene was the announcement of the contest, I think. The right side was suppose to be a stage, there was an MC too. The right side was like an audience-side. There Roger and the gang cheered up for their partners xDDD (very funny!). When the prisoner team got in they were very noisy xD Too bad, they lost. During the announcement of the winner, it was other team who won.

Colin and the two buddies were at the garden. Then came Georgina, and also Primrose. Colin sort of tried to avoid, by walking at the other side of the stage, pretending to care for the plants. Georgina loves the garden, but Primrose was trying to left the place. However, Georgina, this time support her daughter's love. Eventhough Colin is like that, she wants her daughter to be with someone she loves. She's trying to make Colin and Primrose talk with each other. (The two buddies were trying not to intrude and hiding behind fake-Fergus xDDDD). Everyone left except for Colin and Primrose. They talk, and this time Colin decided to chase his happiness too, so the two made up. After this... ah I kinda forgot, but there were a lot of people coming to stage. Tony and Holly even came as well, bringing a baby cart. Everyone gathering over it and adoring the baby and such. There was also some new knowledge of past events, like... it wasn't Tony who committed the crime (either Jimmy or Raw, I forgot), but Colin and Tony didn't get mad. Colin also proudly admitted that he was the one who caused the fire, so the unnatural strawberry-arch garden plan would be ruined as well. I think he sort of threw lighted cigarettes xDDDD Hmm... I wonder if there's anything else... Basically at the end there was a good news... like, eventhough they didn't win the contest, they got chosen for something else (usually the contest winner who got chosen, but this time it's not the case), and they were all totally cheering around.

Hm... actually there were a lot of deep scenes, emotional scenes, but after all my memory is not that good xD Fergus had some monologue too, which is deep. Colin also had one monologue (BASKJBJKSHABJHSABSHJ Aiba's acting kjadsbnkjdnjknads) but I don't really remember where exactly was it. Roger and the gang also intruded a lot in the first-half of the stageplay, which makes a lot of fight scenes (oooh manly aiba <3333).

After the stageplay, all the casts stood side-by-side and bows to the audience (Aiba and Fergus at the center). I think they left the stage once, and came in again to bow again. After they left, only Aiba come back again. After waving his hand to the audience for several minutes, this time he introduced (without words) the musicians. The applause for the beatboxer was amazing ^^ The musicians left the stage, and the last is Aiba.

Btw, the stageplay I attended started at 7PM. Around 8.15 (halfway of the story), they put a break time, so we can go to toilet or buying goods. There was also a booth selling food and beverages so some people eat light food as well. I also used the time to take a look at the flowers on the hall finding out who sent them (Ogura-san and Shimura-ken <3333).

Pictures are in my post last week:

I think there are reallllly a lot of things I didn't write in this report. I'm really sorry for the lack of details and things, but I hope it will cure your curiousity even a bit. :)

concerts n stages

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