Because I've been busy with school and scanning/subbing, it's been a long time I haven't written about real life.
Today, I went to listening class, which is my favorite. It really have interesting tasks, like writing scripts of animes and radio shows. The radio shows are sometimes unbearable, but doraemon anime was interesting. My only complaint is that doraemon speaks in such an unclear voice that it's hard to get every words and write the script. Today's homework was Bokkochan (short story about female robot).
What's relieving is that I have nothing to do in my lab. Lately I have been writing a lot about my research, but today I didn't have to. (Btw, my major is computer science, to those who don't know... It's not Japanese language xD)
よかったのは、今日研究室に何もあったんだ。最近研究の論文たくさん書いていたけど、今日はない。(ちなみに、専門はコンピュータサイエンスだ。日本語じゃないよ xD)
Then, after the class, I went to dentist. Honestly it was the first time I went to one xD I'm afraid of dentist so I never dare to go. I have cavities since around junior high school (info: I am a graduate student now xD), but eventhough it hurts at times, I won't go to dentist. Well, in Indonesia it's tropics so it's always warm all year... but now I'm in Japan and soon it'll be winter, I got worried. When it gets colder, I'm afraid that it'll get hurt again, and it'll be bad if it disturbs my study. So, I braced myself and finally went to dentist. To make it short, I had my tooth pulled out ;^; Then, because it was so lonely feeling pain by myself, I called my mother in my country xDDDD "Ma, I finally went to dentist. However, I got a tooth taken out. It keeps bleeding." xD My mother actually tried to make me go to dentist since long long ago, but since I never want to, she gave up xD Currently, I still can taste blood inside my mouth but... because I have my most favorite food (McD's french fries), it's all ok xDDD (it doesn't have any relation to it huh)
そして、授業後、歯医者に行ったの。実は、生まれたから初めてなの。歯医者が怖いだから、全然行きたくなかった。中学生から虫歯があるんだけど(ちなみに、現在は大学院生だ xD)、痛くても歯医者には行かなかった。まぁ、インドネシアは熱帯の国なので、一年中も暖かい。でも、現在日本ではそろそろ冬なので、心配なの。寒くなったら、歯も痛くなるそうね。勉強に邪魔になったら不味いぞう。だから勢い込んで、歯医者に行った。手短に言えば、虫歯がある歯を抜いてもらった~ ;^; で、なんか一人で痛むのは寂しかったので、国にいる母に電話したの。「ママ、やっと、歯医者に行った。でも、歯を抜いてもらった~血が川のように出ているんだ~」 xD うちの母は昔からいつも歯医者に行かせたけど、私はヤダなので母も諦めちゃった xD。 今、口に血の味もまだあるそうだが、一番大好きな食べ物(マクドナルドのフライドポテト)を買ったので大丈夫 xDDD (全然関係ないね~)