
Jan 28, 2009 21:28

* yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..
i love math lesson so much... =3= today i have an exam..
you know???!! i can do only 5 numbres from 20 numbers.. lucky me..
maybe i got my lovely red pen in my sheet.. hahahaha..

i just chatting with my friend seiichirouaya ..
the topics its about member ai, and i told that i love mori's comment to inoo very cute.. (just look
this translate in kenken18 )
and then you know what???? i make quote or something that you want hit me
this is the qoute..
daiki said "don't steal my love and my ayuu" for yamada
and another crazy..
daiki said "don't steal my love and my ayuu" for nick jonas

thanks to mori and inoo for my inspiration.. LoL

hahahaha.. *ughh i need this quote will edit in photoshop* lirik jny xP

tomorrow i will stay one night in my school for religion program..
so hiatus for one day.. hahahaha.. ga penting banged xD

just little update with my lovely life.. so i don't cut this entry

random, 2009

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