What are you wearing to sleep? I sleep wearing jersey. I have seveal, some I bought as pyjamas and some I bought normally but since they felt comfortable I turned into pyjamas. I like soft, good to wear things.
Your average sleeping hours and the best sleeping hours? The average is around 6 hours, but the ideal would be 8. If I have less than that, I keep spacing out during the day. Lately I go to bed and get up early! I go to sleep at 12 in the night and get up in the morning at 7 or 8.
Tell us your own method for a good night's sleep! Sleeping on your back, feeling the gravity and sinking with your body into the bed. In the end, being focused on the image of going till Brazil on the other side of the planet makes me sleep quickly (laughs).
The opening of the forbidden (!?) bedroom!! My pillow and mattress were made after the shape of my body, so it really fits and is good to sleep in! I also was particular about choosing the bedding. My alarm clock makes the sound of an explosion! But since it's an unpleasant way of waking up, I rarely use it (laughs).
Tell us one way another member sleeps that you know about! Ueda cannot sleep if the room isn't pitch black. Since I didn't like complete darkness back then, it didn't fit (laughs). It's scary, isn't it~ the dark. And, Taguchi wakes up refreshed ☆
When staying overnight during concerts, if you have to share with a bandmate? I often were in the same room with Ueda, but I had him switch off the sound of his mobile. And I got a "no beatboxing" rule (laughs).
When staying overnight during concerts, what are you bringing with you without a fail? The charger of my mobile phone maybe. I hardly have anything I fuss about, like "I need this!" When I have lots of baggage, it's difficult to move and I hate that~ Travelling light is the best, isn't it ♪
A dream you had recently? Since I basically have a sound sleep, I only dream maybe three times a year. Before, I often dreamt that I was being chased by people and was fleeing, while I was together with a girl I've never seen before. Who could that have been?