(no subject)

Mar 04, 2010 21:09

He was dead.

Actually he was even worse than dead, even worse off than the guys in section Z, who had to worry about their flesh falling off.

Two hours were wasted, along with that 4 hour lead the deranged bastard had on him, before R actually remembered just what else was in Utah.

And his initial survey of the Utah University campus proved to be a spot-on guess, even if he was by far too late to catch up with Roskow and whoever he was travelling with. The tourguide and the computer systems weren't his MO, which meant, possibly the guy was being used..or an accomplice to someone with a far greater range of talents.

Talents that included disguise.

R stared at his MiBlackberry and chugged down a fresh bottle of peptobismol.

None of the above would account for why he was going to be dead soon.

And he would have to make the call.

"Jesus fucking took a dump on a Krylian...Roskow, of all the faces you had to wear..."


"R! There had better be some good news!"

He was going to end up in the bottom of MiB with W for this, he just knew it.

roadtrip, mib

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