This is basically why I haven't updated much. It's sad when webcomics look this much like my life.
The rotovap BIT me today. I'm not sure HOW the piece that is broken got broken, but when I was turning it off I managed to cut myself. For the record, thumbs are awkward places for bandaids.
Oh, and I went to a conference this weekend. Dinner conversation looked much like that comic. A member of the solid state NMR group at the host university was chairing my session. The room I was in was ahead of schedule, so he decided it was time for an unscheduled break when he noticed none of his group (aka the only people who might be interested in my talk :p) were there. Which was good given that my group wasn't there yet either. (Not that I blamed them, I would have gone to the talk before mine in the other room too). I think the talk went okay. I had a couple fun days trying to get the introduction to the point that people who don't do NMR could follow it.