Man, the RP memes are out in force today. Have another one from
List the RP journals you have and tell why you chose that name.
oldmanhusker (Bill Adama): I originally wanted theoldman to go with
thedyingleader, but that was taken. So I kept Old Man and worked in Husker, because it is a good callsign.
treadstheground (Martha Jones): Had a lot of fun picking this one out. Since Martha was the inspiration for the Dark Lady sonnets, we thought it would be fun to play with that. It's actually from my absolute favourite sonnet ever. (The "My mistress's eyes are nothing like the sun" one) It also has the bonus of tying in with her walking the all over the Earth.
thedarkinme (Dr. Horrible): Well, most of the good names I could think of were taken. So... the dark in him is all that still remains. :p
stillnot_dead (Hobbie Klivian): It is really notable that Hobbie is not dead yet! Unfortunately, notdeadyet was taken, so I had to get creative.
dino_zarf (Wash): So, uh, while playing Facebook Scrabble, I discovered that zarf is in fact a word (even though Firefox apparently disagrees). Naturally I had to find out what the hell it was. It's a metal cupholder on a ship. This led to the declaration that "Wash probably had dinosaurs in his zarf."
bruiserprincess (Molly Hayes): Well, Molly wanted to be Princess Powerful. The rest of the kids declared her Bruiser. I actually wanted princessbruiser, but it was taken. Not surprisingly, by another Molly RPer. :p
rule_22 (Quark): Rule of Acquisition #22 is "A wise man can hear profit in the wind".
brightsidedeath (Didi): Aaaaaaaaaaaaand always look on the bright side of Death!
planwhatplan (Sassy/Tough Six): Well, Sassy is somewhat skeptical about whether Cavil EVER had a plan, really.
tragicexploded (Hobbie Klivian): Because Yayoi came up with the most apt description of Hobbie EVER when she called him "A handsome yet tragically exploded pilot". :p
splashpuppy (Hajime): It's cute and involves water. Much like Hajime. :p
all_melty (Anakin Solo): He's a ghost! He's all melty! And when he was all cute and alive, he once declared something to be "All melty inside".
retired_dammit (Wedge Antilles): Wedge wishes that Del Rey would give everyone a break.