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Jan 16, 2010 13:03

Then and Now meme gakked from savepureness

Then: January 2000

01. Age: 14
02. Romantic Status: The biggest nerd in school. Yeah... single
03. Occupation: Grade nine student/occasional babysitter
04. Fun night out: Watching movies with Katie
05. My BFFs: Katie
06. I spent way too much time: I'm sure some people would have said reading, but I miss having that much time to do so
07. I spent not enough time: Flossing around my d*mn braces
08. I wanted to be when I grew up: A marine biologist. Then it got trendy and I took a chemistry course
09. Biggest concern: School
10. What my biggest concern should have been: Well, probably school :p
11. Where did I live: With my parents in the house they've been in since I was in kindergarten
13. If I could go back now and talk to myself I would say: Hang in there, you'll get the hang of social interaction some day

Now: January 2010

1. Age: 24
2. Romantic Status: Married. My 14 year old self would never believe it. :p
3. Occupation: Graduate student in chemistry
4. Fun night out: Board game night!
5. My BFFs: Vicki, Tess. Oh, and, y'know, Ryan. :p
6. I spend way too much time: PROCRASTINATING. <-- What she said
7. I spend not enough time: Cleaning
8. I want to be when I grow up: An NMR facility manager for a university
9. Biggest concern: Research
10. What my biggest concern should be: Research
11. Where do I live: Super awesome town house
12. Dumbest thing I have done this year: So far? Not checking that the front desk of the hotel was open 24/7
13. What I think I would say to myself in 10 years: Hopefully "You're going to make it!"


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