I finally got Gaussview and Gaussian to play nice! It turns out that the problem was that Gaussview was saving the input files in a DOS format and that was given Gaussian on a Linux machine CONNIPTIONS. So all I had to do was open the file in a Linux text editor and resave. Man, things should be this simple more often. :p
I also finally got new glasses! After having the same pair since high school, I really needed them. They really hadn't been the same since one of the most prominent main group chemists in the country broke them. :p It's so weird though, since I keep trying to shove them back up into place even though I don't HAVE to. Since they now actually stay in place like they're supposed to. :p
One pair is the same shape as the pair I've had forever. The other pair I got adventurous with. Which means I notice the frames and it's WEIRD. :p
Pair #1
Pair #2