(no subject)

Feb 20, 2009 22:58

Okay, BSG time!

Oh Doc Cottle. You are wonderful.


Exciting reunion between Saul and Ellen. Of course, now he's got some 'SPLAINING to do. :p

Confused room full of people is confused. :p

Lee, your hair is funny.

Uh, ominous sex is ominous...

Really, did you think Gaius could leave his harem? :p

At least we're getting right to the frakking question... Okay, now it sounds CREEPY.

Oh dear. That could have been broken to Ellen better. :p

"You just can't stop POISONING me!"

Well we can't resolve it that soon!

Aww, Gaius, is your cult getting too independent for you? Umm, kid's a little old to be named after you.

Are you going to multiply the loaves and the fishes, Gaius? Or in this case, the algae and the more algae. :p

Ooh, scene with Laura and Caprica Six!

Man, poor Kara, all the older characters keep kissing in front of her. :p

Oh dear. Awkwardness all around with the Ellen/Saul/Caprica situation.

Oh Gaius. That wasn't quite the effect you were going for, was it?

Great Grandpa Power Sander!

Oh, hi Head Six. Someday I'd like to know what's going on with you. :p

"All we need is strength, and strength comes from within. ANd guns! MOre guns, bigger guns!" Your Jesus speech got a little derailed there Gaius darling. :p

Oh frak. That's not good.

And apparently... bromance pwns all.

Diamond Shreddie commercials are stupid.

So we're two for two on Cylon pregnancies not going so smoothly.

Well... frak.

OOh, that's interesting.

I love that the show isn't afraid to go places like this emotionally.

Aww, hand holding.

And the Cylons get a wall too.

Ooh, are we going to get THAT answer next week? That would be a nice answer. :p


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