Back from a fun weekend in Toronto! We watched more BSG with
i_paint_the_sky, finishing up the Kobol arc and seeing up to Final Cut. So I got to know two more Cylons! And apparently there is impending doom.
We also introduced Vicki to the wonders of Classic Who. Though Robot lacks a quarry. :p Still, it introduces Four.
Also, I wonder how much BSG/Doctor Who crossover fic there is that exists solely to pair Cylons with the appropriately numbered Doctor. :p
Oh, and I gave Vicki The Wiz for Christmas, so we watched this. The phrase "acid trip" comes to mind. :p
Also, Vicki is awesome and gave me John Barrowman's autobiography for Christmas. It is shiny and will entertain me on the train ride. As will the other books I bought when she took us to see the store she works at. And Fables 11, which we had to pick up at another store. We'll see if I actually hold out until the train ride with that one. :p