Aug 30, 2008 18:53
There was a motherfucking SNAKE in my motherfucking APARTMENT today.
I thought Schroedy was going nuts, because I couldn't see the snake at first. So as far as I could tell, she was attacking random inanimate objects. But no, it was because SHE knew there was a snake. I, umm, may have freaked out new tenants, because the superintendant was helping them move in when I asked him to help with the snake. It was just a little garter snake, but it still doesn't belong in my apartment. (It has now been released in the woods :p)
The hole it got in through has now been covered. The maintenance people are going to properly seal it up on Tuesday (whoo for long weekends :p)
Next apartment I get, I want to be on the SECOND floor. That way it's harder for snakes and mice and water to get in. :p