Meme from, well, lots of people, but I'm going to say
hm_yrie because I can. :p
Give me two characters from different fandoms you know I'm familiar with, and I'll give you a dialogue happening between the two of them. Without justifying how the crossover would work, how their worlds clashed, or how they could even meet each other. Just a silly crossover conversation with no backstory, for fun.
I had to go to campus for eight today to spend three hours being bored out of my mind. Oh how I loathe proctoring. Completely and utterly. I had a Tim Horton's extra large, but it was still putting me to sleep. :p
Also, last night I was making the sims for the TARDIS of LOOOOOOOOOOVE and... Jack has no face. He is the most generic looking guy EVER. Most characters have some sort of feature I can work with to make the sim recognizable. Jack is just... generically attractive. :p