Today was an exciting afternoon of scanning barcodes. Yay training for work, eh? :p I made it to Highfield Square right in time to catch the bus back to Riverview... only to discover I didn't have my change purse and thus lacked bus fare. So I had to go in to the mall to break a ten, leading to having to kill an hour. :p
Fortunately, there's no bookstore in Highfield Square, so it was perfectly safe. :p
I successfully married off Sim Luke and Sim Mara. I've discovered the trick to making sure important family members don't miss weddings: HIDE THE CHESS TABLE. :p Wes played bass through the whole thing, but all things considered, that was probably a good thing. Kept him out of trouble. :p
Death decided she wanted to throw a Washburne family reunion at the Crypt o' NIght (which IS a goth club, JELLO :p). She called Daniel up and invited him downtown. When they got there, the other people turned out to be Zoe, Helen, Thisland and Billy. And Jayne, but he's not a Washburne. :p
And since I was tagged by
stormkpr Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little-known facts about themselves.
You must also tag 10 others on your list.
1. I sleep with this ratty old teddy bear that I've had since I was a baby. The arm has fallen off three times, but there's no other bear quite like it. (Including the other one I got that same Christmas, which initially WAS just like it :p)
2. My high school math teacher used to make jokes about "And now you can go home and put that on your math poster." We all used to laugh. Then in first year calculus, I was putting a formula sheet up on the wall and realized that I actually HAD made a math poster. The next year, my walls were COVERED in organic synthesis reaction posters. :p
3. I tend to give strange nicknames that just keep GROWING. For instance, Tessie is ":Ding ship killing baby burning Cade loving nerf herding :( skillet" :p. This started as "skillet". :p
4. My bookshelf is currently organized based on "If it stays on the shelves, that's an accomplishment". Back when there was a semblance of order, beyond grouping authors and series, my organiziation system was only obvious to ME because it was arranged by themes. Placement of some authors was determined by which categories they straddled. :p
5. I've been collecting elephant themed objects ever since my kindergarten teacher gave me a little figurine of a sleeping elephant for my sixth birthday.
6. I take a twisted pleasure in feeding other people's plot bunnies. Unfortunately, this is a habit Tess shares (along with the brain, of course :p) One day we were both trying to give the other person a certain plot bunny, and wound up collaborating on it. Slowly.
7. I tend to use a lot of short sentences when I write fiction. Sometimes this works ("Last Moments" and "One Chance to Cry" come to mind), but a lot of the time I need Tess going "ACK! CHOPPY!" when she betas. :p
8. I'm a bit of a walking musical. I WILL burst into song at random. People are frequently shocked to discover it's a real song, but I've been known to re-write lyrics on the fly. (And then make them House CUp tasks :p)
9. There's nothing more comfortable than a pair of pajama pants, a t-shirt that's two sizes too big, and an ugly sweater. And I swear, the ugly part is REQUIRED. :p
10. I use the :p face like it's a punctuation mark. Definitely not little known, but I'd say it's a fairly weird habit. :p
wordsgate and
byakuganchick (That's a lot of tagging! :p)